Freezing weather alert

Home maintenance is not my strong suite, mainly because remembering to do things is a problem for me.

This year we had a cold snap way earlier in the fall than usual, and as a result my outdoor faucet froze, burst while I was away, and now I have a mess in the basement to deal with! This can’t happen again, but I’m also too lazy to accept the obligation of doing more work… unless said work is a Home Assistant project!

My idea is to setup an automation using the Dark Sky ( platform, to watch the temperature_min parameter for the next 7 days, and notify when near-freezing temperatures are forecast. I figure I’ll have it keep notifying me each day until I drain faucets etc, then I’ll just manually disable the automation until next season.

I haven’t gotten started on it, but this is one of my first automations and I’m not sure how to rate limit the trigger (I don’t want constant notifications). This looks like it could work: Limit automation triggering

Anyone got something like this going in their own install and have words of advice?

You can add platform: season to sensors to get the four seasons which you can then trigger the automation with or use as a condition so it only works on fall/winter?

I think this would work:

trigger: use the time platform and set a specific time
condition: whether temperature_min is below a set value (e.g. 3ºC)
action: send notification

This way you’ll be getting a notification every day at the specified trigger time.

Thanks for the helpful replies, I’ll try these!