Fresh Install - Addon Store empty

I did a fresh install on my Pi 3. I followed the instructions for installation on a Pi exactly.

Wanted to install SSH. But add-on store is empty. Network is functioning for sure.
Tried to add GitHub - hassio-addons/repository: Home Assistant Community Add-ons but answer from the system is: Can’t add GitHub - hassio-addons/repository: Home Assistant Community Add-ons, already in the store

What can I do?

Can you remove repo and add it again?

How do i remove the repo?Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-29 um 08.49.14

The same way you tried to add the repo. I don’t use your type of installation so I can’t give you a detailed instructions.

Solved: New DNS entries in my router and a new install of HA

Thank you too! I just finished installing a Raspberry Pi4 and my addon store is empty too! :frowning:
It’s crazy to start all over again.