If you install along with the recommended video (https://youtu.be/XWPluWcYRMI), everything works fine if one follows the instructions implicitly; like install with a network cable connected and your Windows computer is still using the default workgroup name of “WORKGROUP”. If you were to watch this video as an adjunct to the Hass.io instructions, and changed something, like the “Optional” item if setting up WiFi, and perhaps you are on a computer that has changed it’s workgroup name at some point, then…not so good.
Here is what I discovered in my case. If you set up WiFi by editing the configuration.yaml file for SSID and password, before the boot process (“Optional”), then after the boot process as completed, you will NOT be able to go to http://hassio.local:8123 to connect to the service as shown in the video and outlined in the instructions and you will NOT see the Samba share in the Network file list. Hostname access just does not work for me using WiFi alone. I had to use the actual IP address to connect to the service, install the Samba addon, change the “interface” to “wlan0” and change the workgroup parameter from “WORKGROUP” to one matching my computer. Save and Restart and then I was able to access hassio.local:8123 and see the Samba shared folders. This took about 12 hours for a newbie like me to figure out, so I though I would post in case someone else has the same issues.
I appear to be in a similar situation as you and also a newbie.
When you mention using the actual IP address and changing the interface, where are you entering this Information? Is it in the Resin-sample file?
@Bluefieldcat. I was making the changes to the configuration.yaml file. I hace the All-in-one Hass.io install and I cannot even get to the resin folder.
Thanks @JSCSJSCS. I finally managed to solve my issue by finding the Hassio local ip address (e.g from my router and using that instead of the http://hassio.local:8123 address.
So now going to takes me to my Hassio web interface.
Im after fresh install too, and as well total rookie I installed Hass.io just 3 days ago. If youre asking how long you need to wait till “anything” will be visible at Pi3_IP:8123 - its just couple minutes (maybe even faster). After web page refreshing you should see Home Assistant logo with info about installation in progress (it can take about 20 minutes - something like that).
Image is working, at least it worked in my case. To be sure in your case i would download image again (for Pi3, or Pi2 - depends what hardware you do have) and burn it into sd card using Etcher. You can use other card as well, just to be safe. Errors happen, so… just give a try.
And yea, in my case hassio.local:8123 did not worked as well. Thx Heavens i did “optional” wifi setup with static IP, so i was able to use it instead.
Generally i already noticed a lot of tutorials and docs are… not actual in case of Hass.io. They are for Linux Home Assistant installation, but in Hass.io some linux comands just does not work, what makes these tutorials and docs generally useless. That makes our life a bit more… challenging.
@imthil This is the blind leading the blind. I remember when I installed Hass.io with the AIO installer, I had a HDMI cable inserted in the Pi because I had previously had Raspbian installed and was playing around with it. While installing Hass.io, I saw saw some text scroll by, then a big Home Assistant icon showed up on the page. I sat there waiting for something to happen and it never did. I did not realize that Hass.io was “headless”. You interact with it through a terminal CLI or the Hass.io UI or the configuration files. The CLI is pretty limited to viewing logs, updating and restarting. You can’t really get to the web UI until you get the right parameters configured and I could not get the right parameters configured until I could actually get to the configuration files, which required Samba. My original post in this thread was about that. I had a different workgroup name set up in my computer than the default that came with Samba. Once I changed, that, I could see the Samba shares, change the config files and then finally get to the web UI.
I am having a similar problem. Spent the weekend with optional wifi settings, without any setting just connecting to Ethernet and lastly connecting Ethernet with static ip. Nothing has seem to work for me. I am still getting a ‘this page cannot be displayed’ error. also interestingly when I added the static ip, I could ping it like ‘Ping’ and it was responding, so I tried and still no luck. Am I missing something ? do I have to open port 8123 etc ? Will appreciate any help. Thanks.
Hi Guys, I finally have the hassio screen in front of me, phew ! I used Ethernet and then used the app fing to find the ip of my raspberry pi and then used my_ip:8123, then followed what JSCSJSCS has mentioned. It worked
Also I had to re download the image file and then burn it in the sd card. Thanks for the help.
hi all , it seams im on the same nb boat now , some help will be appreciated .
i have installed the sd image ( 3 times now ) , i have the blank screen with the HA big logo , have tryed the ip:8123 , bnut cant get any response from the Raspberry3 ,
im on mac , how to ssh to the raspi, what is the password in first case ?
Hi all
I have a simular problem. I installed Hassio on a RPI.
hassio.local:8123 works from one laptop and from my phone, but I have another computer where it only works with IP-nbr, what is the problem then?
Any ideas?
I did check that option now, but they are they same. Can anyone explain what happens when I type “hassio.local:8123” in the browser? Where is this translated into a ip nbr?
Same problem here. The tip from @nickosss did the trick. Downloaded the app ‘fing’ on android. Looked for hassio / raspperry PI. There was the IP adres from the Rasperry. Then used that IP & :8123 and entered the site. Thanks!
Had the same problem; I could only reach it through its IP address but after having a look at my router settings and restarting it, it started working perfectly
I had a similar problem this morning: I couldn’t access home assistant from my browser. This has happened despite having access to it yesterday.
I went into mi pi using vssh on my mac and edited the configuration.yaml file. The only thing I did was to remove spaces or tabs which were highlighted by the sublime text editor as purple blocks, all occurring on new lines, at the end of each section of code.
Reloading the home assistant page got it to show.
I hadn’t realised until now how picky HA is regarding spacing!
I finally decided to revisit this today. Must have been a Windows update that stopped SMB v1 support. Add it back in windows components of the programs section of control panel and Samba shares showed up.