Fresh install - no welcome screen

I have made a fresh installation, and I can see a home screen. But I don’t know how to get to the welcome screen to set up a smart home as described in Onboarding Home Assistant - Home Assistant

  • I’ve installed HA on a QNAP NAS using container station
  • the startup log doesn’t show any errors

here’s what I see in the browser:

Thanks for any hint

Developer tools with icons under in the sidebar. Haven’t seen that in years ! What (ancient) version are you running ?

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I chose the container that was recommended by QNAP ContainerStation, and it referred to this one Docker
Is this not the latest version?

It seems to be Home Assistant v0.65.5

That should give you 2024.3.2, but clearly the screen you are showing is not 2024.3.2

Did you add :latest to the docker pull command ?


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Yes, that was the problem. Thank you very much for your help (And sorry - I’m quite new to containers)

Thanks Francis!