Fresh install on headless rpi5 fails

I’m trying a fresh install of ha on a headless rpi5.
I’ve used Rpi Imager on Win11 to create a SD disk (64GB)


After booting the rpi5 with network cable connected, I could connect to ha web GUI and watched the installer fail:

Can't install 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.43/images/ Not Found ("No such image:")
24-03-10 13:25:04 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Error on Home Assistant installation. Retrying in 30sec
24-03-10 13:25:34 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.docker.interface] Updating image to
24-03-10 13:25:34 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image with tag 2024.3.0.
24-03-10 13:26:29 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.43/images/ Not Found ("No such image:")
24-03-10 13:26:29 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Error on Home Assistant installation. Retrying in 30sec

This loop repeats ad infinitum

The stupid thing is that Rpi imager doesn’t seem to support adding SSH access to the rpi5, so now what?

Stupid question, but is your pi connected to the internet via ethernet cable?

Yes, I can see it connected to my router. But because there’s no way to login to the rpi5 because there’s afaik no way to enable SSH access, I cannot tell for sure if it can access internet.

Attach monitor and keyboard, enter login at the prompt.

I cannot, it’s a new rpi5 and I don’t have cable to connect monitor

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Ok, I have (finally) SSH access, thanks for the link.

Internet is available (as expected), so why can the installer not find the docker image?

Seems to be there

(but I did not try to pull it)

I ran this command:

# docker pull
sha256-de7702643da7a48e9447cb82c18f9e86707517add6ce5e41ef6f3c053ff75dab.sig: Pulling from home-assistant/raspberrypi5-64-homeassistant
unsupported media type application/

This worked though:

 docker pull

but showed this error:

failed to register layer: write /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/greenlet.libs/libstdc+± no space left on device

I guess I need a bigger SD card, stupid error handling in the installer