My old sdcard is about to give up, and rather than writing the old image to a new card I thought I would give a fresh installation a go.
Considering the lastest changes to HomeAssistant and OpenZWave, which installation method works best right now using a RPI3 with a raZberry zwave controller?
The newest Hassbian install should be the simplest solution, since it now makes it relatively easy to add Mosquitto and Open Z-Wave, something the older versions didn’t make so simple.
That said, I like the All In One installer since (for me) it gives me a fully working install with Open Z-Wave “out of the box”. It’s the one I used to get me going, and I’ve used it a number of times since on other Pi’s.
The all in one installer worked fine, I just had to make one small tweak and change the link
so it points to the right directory:
After that I could just move my old configs (mosquitto, homeassistant, letsencrypt) over and it looks like it’s up and running.
Thanks for the help, time to make a new sdcard backup.