Frient (Develco) smoke detector temperature data

I suspect the reason is because it’s a battery device which spends most of its time sleeping to conserve battery.

It won’t send non-critical entity (temp, batt & voltage) updates constantly. More likely it’ll only update those when it “checks-in”.

Leave it alone for 24h without forcing any refreshes, then go back and have a look at the temperature entity history to see the frequency it was updated in the past day.

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I was suspecting the same thing. But…

  1. it’s not the only battery device. Much smaller device with much smaller battery is reporting temp. Of course not that often, only 5 measures over the last 12 hours, but it still does that. As i remember from the user manual the smaller sonoff sensor reports temp. only when it is changing or etc. just to prevent battery life.

  2. What’s the point to make a device, call it temp. sensor but not provide readings at all :expressionless:

Maybe there is something i can do about it?

Also found these two notes on Frient web site:

Maybe my sonoff dongle-e is not the right hub for it? :expressionless: But this hub is recommended by HA as well as by z2m.

by the way, after refresh in the HA, temp is reported.

Maybe i can use somekind of script, that pull’s data from these devices periodically?

Hmm, try and have a look in Z2M interface

Open the device screen & click the Reporting tab.
Is there anything showing there? Post a screenshot pls.

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Hi, are you using Grafana?
Is your Zigbee network stable?
What if the temp doesn’t change: does it report?

@ShadowFist it looks like you are right. It is not reporting anything:

Never been in this window. It looks like it is possible to set it up?

Yes, i’m using grafana.
Yes, zigbee network is stable, other devices are reporting.
It was not reporting neither when temp. is changing, neither when temp. is stable.

I was asking about Grafana because of the refresh setting.
I would not rely on Grafana for troubleshooting this but more directly in Z2M

Are you using this smoke detector just now or did it work before?
Did you update something?

Yes, there is that setting in Z2M to make devices report more often at the cost of battery life.

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Actually everything here is new (for me as well) :slight_smile:
New installation of Grafana + new zigbee network (all zigbee devices are also new).
So i’m just building it from scratch. Except home assistant. I’m using it for year now.
So smoke detectors are also new.

I did not knew about that “reporting” tab, this is new for me. Hope that i will make it report, paying battery price :slight_smile:

Are all your smoke detectors behaving the same way in updating the temp data?

I’m shooting blindly here, but see if there’s a cluster-attribute combination which references temperature.

You might have more luck finding what specific setting you need with a quick google search for this device, especially within the Z2M github page

EDIT: Nevermind @hello_green. Found the exact reporting setting you need to set in this issue.
Hope it fixes your issue!

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Yes. All three smoke sensors behaves the same. They are not reporting until manually refreshed. But now, thanks to @ShadowFist for the idea, i’ve changed one of the smoke detectors configuration in the “Reporting tab” and indeed it started to reporting. So i will do that for others, and hope it will be sorted out :slight_smile:

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You know, i only interested now in the fields available in reporting tab.
What does it mean: “Endpoint”, “Cluster”, “Attribute” and etc. Maybe there is somewhere manual for it?

Here, catch. Everything should be explained here

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thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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For some reason “solution” is not working for me.
I see three dots:
Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 20.02.03

If move cursor on it, ir says “show more”:
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but if i press on three dots (…), it instantly becomes bookmark:
Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 20.02.20

If i press on bookmark, i see this:

On the other forums, that use same engine, i know and use “solution” button :slight_smile:

Forum must be acting up then. Don’t worry about it - I’m just glad your issue is resolved

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