Frient / Develco Smoke sensor stop Siren


Does anybody happen to know how i can stop the siren, when I activate it through the alarm switch?
I tried publishing STOP to the topic used for starting the alarm, but that doesn`t work…

siren start:

{“warning”: {“mode”: “burglar”, “level”: “high”, “strobe”: false, “duration”: 300}}

siren stop:

{“warning”: {“mode”: “stop”, “level”: “low”, “strobe”: false, “duration”: 300}}

is the solution…

Do you use ZigBee2Mqtt?

yes i do, …

Did you manage this to work?

yes ,

put this under your switch: section in configuration.yaml, and replace ROOKMELDER METERKAST with your smoke dectors name and you can change the name ofcourse…

 - platform: mqtt
   command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ROOKMELDER METERKAST/set"
   payload_on: '{"warning": {"mode": "burglar", "level": "high", "strobe": false, "duration": 300}}'
   payload_off: '{"warning": {"mode": "stop", "level": "low", "strobe": false, "duration": 300}}'
   retain: true

I assume you use zigbee2mqtt by the way…


I use ZHA, can I also run these commands there?

Best regards


no they are for zigbee2mqtt, i don’t know if zha supports the frient smoke detector.

hello @djazzz,

could you help me in what configuration.yaml? under mqtt? i don’t find a switch section?

best regards


if you use zigbee2mqtt and have discovery enabled, it should work automatically.
I bought a second smoke detector, and didn`t have to edit my configuration.yaml…
There should be a switch that triggers the siren.

@djazzz I am wondering how do you use that code? What I want is a button where I can stop the siren (when it is triggered). Can you please explain a bit more?


It is not possible nor allowed in Europe, to stop a smoke detector digitally when it is triggered by smoke.

Disabling the siren on this smoke detector is only working when it was triggered digitally, not from the sensor.

In ZHA there is just a siren switch, that works to enable and disable the siren.

With Z2M I had used this model by changing the function of the siren entity to be a siren instead of the default switch within HA, that did not work.

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Thanks, I guess I will leave it when it’s triggered for unknown reason (false alarm).

In the past, when I was on holiday, my neighbor called me. He said our smoke alarm was triggered. Fortunately it was no smoke, no fire. But I can’t turn it off as I was away. I thought it would be nice if I can turn off the siren in that situation :joy: