Frient electricity meter ZHEMI101


Any idea why my energymeter show only 0.0

That meter configured ok in home assistant but not give any values.

Led “reader” is right placement and thet plug is attach well to the circuitboard

Maybe try to pair it again. What coordinator software are you using? I don’t see your sensors for power and energy.

Coorditanor software?

My setup is

Frient - sonoff zigbee bridge - home assistant (newest version)

All other zigbee devices work fine (temperatures, lights, etc)

Edit: if I look device, last seen is value is current time. so device is online and addet to home assistant, but no values

Which port have you connected it on your meter? Usually there are two. The round one is usually for serial communication, you can read OBIS codes through that, but you need a different type of sensor. There is usually an LED somewhere under the display which has something like 1000imp/kWh written next to it. That’s where you should fit the LEF sensor.