Frient MOSZB-141 setup

I had some Sonoff / eWeLink MS01 motion detectors that kept dropping their connections for hours at a time, so decided on some (hopefully) better quality ones, and chose the Frient MOSZB-141’s.

I read various threads where some people had problems, and some did not (the “did not’s” seem to be where the Zigbee2MQTT was being used, and I am just running straight forward Zigbee Home Automation integration) - the fact that there were 5 of these sensors on Amazon at £15 instead of £25, as they were returns, suggested that people may be having difficulty setting them up, so thought I would post my experience, with a definitive guide on what to do.

After putting the sensor into pairing mode, and going to Zigbee HA - add device, it was found OK, but then seemed to stall. When looking at the actual device, there were no entities associated with it. What I found was, once discovered, I needed to do a full reboot of HA, and when it came back up, the device was there, plus a number of entities. Not all of the entities function however. The entities that do, are Motion detected and cleared, and the first Occupancy detected and cleared - the occupancy cleared is fired 4 minutes after the last movement is detected (which is good for outside lights). The “Binary input”, “Occupancy_1” and “Occupancy_2” entities never saw anything, and neither did “Battery” or “Identify” work. For simplicity, for the entities that did not work, I set them on the Entities page to disabled, just to keep things clear.

Hopefully this information might save others from spending hours trying to figure out why they don’t appear properly, and what entities actually work. (System is HA Core running 2024.1.5)

I have had 3 of the Frient MOSZB-141’s running for a week now, and they have not lost contact once, whereas the Sonoff SNZB-03’s that were in the same places, would have dropped out for hours at a time, multiple times a day, so big up to Frient!