Frigate 14.x spikes CPU every hour

I have an automation that lets me know when the processor useage on my mini PC goes over 80%. It was triggering every hour on the hour so I looked at Glances at that time and Frigate CPU went from 170% to 438% - I know this isn’t accurate but I assume the increase is. System Monitor shows 100% CPU at top of the hour for 15 seconds while it’s around 40-50% otherwise. It’s only been since I upgraded Frigate to version 14 (which I LOVE btw). I can’t imagine this is normal - others would have noticed by now. System metrics in Frigate (Detectors, GPUs, CPU) don’t show any spikes.
I have HWACCEL enabled (I think) and use a Google Coral on a mini PC with N100 processor “bare bones”

I also have an N100 and a Google Coral and exactly the top of every hour the CPU hits 100% VERY briefly.

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Mine mysteriously stopped doing this. Hasn’t been over 67% for past 4 days.

It’s been 9 days - pretty much since I wrote this question - and it hasn’t triggered the automation that monitors CPU useage. I changed it so that CPU had to be over 85 percent for 3 seconds. Maybe an update or restart fixed it - or maybe it was just a fluke. Hoping yours is okay now too

I’m still experiencing this. I can’t figure out what is causing it. All Intergrations/add-ons are up to date. Anyone knows how to deep dive on how to monitor every running process CPU?

I confirmed via Glances addon that it was Frigate doing it. I know I disabled the Music Assistant addon but I think that was after the spikes stopped seemingly on their own. I don’t remember if I stopped HA on the mini PC rather than just restart HA - maybe try that since I think I probably did.

But my frigate CPU in the graph is not spiking. I think I have already tried what you suggested but will try again, just in case.

So it appears to be frigate although the system graph does not show hourly spikes on that add-on.

Do you have Glances addon installed? It will show which processes are highest for CPU and memory - everything running actually but you can sort high to low. It doesn’t keep a running total (graph) though. There is an addon called Grafana but I couldn’t get it setup correctly.
Glances shows “addon_ccab4aaf_frigate-fa” at 125% CPU now while Frigate says 41%. It was saying 438% when the CPU in System Monitor said 100. I wouldn’t have worried but it was also raising the CPU temp a lot. Looks like just us 3 and mine is okay now. Good luck