Frigate card - Unmute when event happens

I have a Frigate Card running with the camera stream of my Reolink Doorbell including 2-way-audio in Home Assistant.
I want to unmute only if the doorbell is pressed. The signal for the button-press is available. The challenge is to connect it to the unmute option of the Frigate card to the button press of the doorbell.

I can unmute manually by pressing a button in the frigate card, that works fine


Thanks and greetings

This will be possible in the next version, the PR is already submitted

Maybe that helps? You can set the state of the mic based on an condition now

very cool. I will wait for it! Thanks for the quick reply! Do you know roughly when it is going to be released?

No idea, sorry,

But if you can’t wait, you can install the dev version of that card and try out

Hi Fabio,
just tested it out. It works the way it is described in the PR.

It is not quite what I am looking for. I wanted to unmute the cameras based on a entity that is available in home assistant. Pressing the button on the will trigger “binary_sensor.reolink_video_doorbell_wifi_visitor” and this is suppose to trigger the unmute button.

Not sure if that is possible

ah, hmm, not sure if thats possible :slight_smile:

Hello mkollenr,
would it be possible to see your frigate card configuration for the reolink doorbell with bi-directional audio, please?


I am also having trouble using the frigate card condition base on HA entity state. But when i use the built in conditions of frigate card example:

  • conditions:
    fullscreen: true

It works fine on whatever action i use. But with HA entity its not working. For example if i use

  • conditions:
    - entity: input_boolean.switch
    state: ‘on’

I dont know what im missing here and why its not working.