Frigate Lovelace Card - live view popup screen notification

When viewing a live stream from a frigate in the Frigate-Card the little popup in the corner is constantly popping up and letting me know it’s live. Is there any way to turn if off/override it. It’s doing my head in.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

yes just disable the popup in the UI configurator

Thanks for this, took a bit of time but works perfect now…

Hi there. Where exactly did you find this configuration? The live button keeps popping up for my feeds as well.

Like oquin70 I also do not know what this UI configurator is. Could you please provide more detail?

Same here. I am getting crazy seeing that popup

Not sure I did right since I don’t know what others meant with ui configurator but I found this by reading the doc. edit the card and check Live controls under the live section of the card. I have set the highlighted settings. seems the popup is now gone.

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