Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Well yes, but your other settings should be overriding that. How old is your phone/IOS

                                        name: "{{ iif(update, 'none', sound) }}"
                                        volume: "{{ iif((update or sound == 'none'), 0, volume) }}"
                                        critical: "{{ iif(critical, 1, 0) }}"

Have you had a chance to look at my debug logs? See if you noticed anything out of the ordinary?

Yes but I don’t see anything obvious. It’s not clear the error is related (though the timing is matching on the example)

iPhone 13.
iOS version : 17.6.1

Where do you put that "push’ and “sound” code exactly ?
Here is my current yaml :

alias: "blabla"
description: >-
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.porche_2
    notify_device: 7ebed67d640b24ff8f3a9789d9b22094
    attachment: snapshot.jpg?bbox=1
    update_thumbnail: true
    tv: false
    sound: blabla.caf
    tap_action: >-
      | lower |
    alert_once: true

Please try newest stable

First notification plays my custom sound (+ vibration). Further notifications (which are updates) play the default sound (+ vibration).

Thanks. Could you please enable debug and show me the output from the second debug node in the trace tree. The one inside the update loop

I’m not sure what you need from me exactly. Is below relevant data for you ?
It says “ios sound disabled by alert once” but it sure did play default sounds (after my custom one) + vibrate, like 3-4 times shortly after the first custom one.

Can you circle which node you need, with which tab ? (“step details” ?). I’m fairly new to HA.
Thank you for trying. It could be an iOS issue too, refusing to silence an alert maybe (security concerns ?) but I can’t be the only one experiencing this spam, am I ?


Started to play with frigate and added notifications, I do get them in my iphone and I see the actions, but clicking on any of them will bring up the companion app but not the clip or snapshot.

Any idea what I should look at?

Long press the notification for the action buttons on IOS.

Add a base url if they aren’t loading

Still not sure. The companion app documents aren’t clear and I don’t have any iOS devices to do any testing.

I think most people don’t use custom sounds, did we try with that line reset to its default state? I.e delete it in yaml mode

Hi, this blueprint is really nice and it works well! Thank you for this! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Will there be an option to send the cropped frame to the TV notification instead of the full screen. As the TV is much further away and a little cropping would help. It’s also to see what it detected as well
 if it crops to a tree (or spiderwebs) for example i know it’s wrong in some way (and the less computer minded would also figure this out on their own this way).

Playing a clip (as a 2nd option) would also be nice but i know you might run into issues with the app on the TV it self, so this is just a thought.

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As far as I remember it doesn’t work the same way the mobile app does but if you crop it within frigate config that might work, but affect everything.

Can’t send videos with the tv app. There are others out there and if someone wants to make a pull request to change to a more capable one they have found that would be great

I can’t get the automation to trigger at all, So I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. My automation looks like

I added the blueprint using: HA_blueprints/Frigate_Camera_Notifications/Stable.yaml at 38e3df8357e6557531aea4c527a3b600dee71e24 · SgtBatten/HA_blueprints · GitHub

alias: frigate living room
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.living_room_camera
    notify_device: xxxxxxxxx
    critical: "true"
    channel: security

This never ends up running so there are no traces to look at.

To make sure my setup is working I took the suggested simple automation mentioned in frigate docs. This is using the same topic in mqtt that the blueprint wants to use.

alias: frigate
description: ""
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
  - action: script.notify
    metadata: {}
      message: >-
        {{ trigger.payload_json['after']['camera'] }}: {{
        trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] }} detected!!!
      image: >-
      channel: security
mode: single

This automation is working. So I am not able to figure out why the automation via blueprint does not even get triggered to be able to see the traces. I am seeing no errors in HA logs either.

Frigate: 0.14.1
Frigate Integration: 5.4.0
Home Assistant: 2024.9

Is this the name of the camera in frigate. Guessing not, so you’ll need to rename it in the automation (yaml mode)

Is this the name of the camera in frigate

It is the name of the camera. I selected this from the UI where it shows camera entities.

Edit: Just saw the readme that the Frigate camera name and entity name need to match. Currently they do not. In Frigate camera is called “living_room”. So I think that might be it. I will rename the entities in HomeAssistant and see if that helps.

But if you can send a cropped image to a Phone
 This should be able to be done to a tv too? It seems like just changing the picture URL would do it?

Same problem

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Pessoal estou querendo configurar para somente receber notificaçÔes quando meu alarme estiver ativado, a ideia também é trabalhar com essa detecção para quando alguem entrar no meu patio eu conseguir dar um bip no alarme ou algo assim, as notificaçÔes de detecção eu jå tenho só para quem entra no patio mas queria de alguma forma dar um aviso no alarme para a pessoa se afastar. O problema é que esse codigo não estå funcionando, não sei qual é o jeito que devo escrever o status do alarme que quero que notifique
state_entity: alarm_control_panel.alarme_casa
- armed_away
Aqui eu coloquei o filtro da forma que Ă© no estado do meu alarme mas nĂŁo da certo, ele notifica sem o alarme estar ativo.
A outra parte de ativar a sirene quando pega uma detecção até consegui pelo topico MQTT que o Frigate usa para se comunicar com o HA, o problema é que para cada detecção que ele pega ele manda 3 notificaçÔes, não entendi muito bem porque, e de qualquer forma não sei se é a melhor implementação usar assim então gostaria de alguma sugestão se alguem tiver.

You might need to enable it