Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

@SgtBatten I think i’m having the same issue, but my HA image is 2024.05 installed via CasaOs. I’m running MQTT, HA and Frigate as containers and i’m able to configure the basic notification from Frigate docs but cannot import this blueprint.
I’m confident its a noob issue but i’ll appreciate any assitance.

My Environment:
Debian 12
Docker CE 27.2.0
HASS 2024.5.5
Frigate Stable
HASS Frigate integration 5.4.0
MQTT 2.0.18

Import a blueprint
Invalid blueprint: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘actions’][‘collapsed’]. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘actions’][‘icon’]. Got ‘mdi:gesture-double-tap’ extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘actions’][‘input’]. Got {‘tap_action’: {‘name’: ‘Tap Action URL’, ‘description’: ‘The URL to open when tapping on the notification. Some presets are provided, you can also set your own by typing in the box.\nThese options define the text and URLs associated with the three action buttons at the bottom of the notification.’, ‘default’: ‘{{base_url}}/api/frigate{{client_id}}/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4’, ‘selector’: {‘select’: {‘options’: [{‘label’: ‘View Clip’, ‘value’: '{{base_url}}/api/frigate{{client_i… extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘debug’][‘collapsed’]. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘debug’][‘icon’]. Got ‘mdi:bug’ extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘debug’][‘input’]. Got {‘debug’: {‘name’: ‘Debug’, ‘description’: ‘# DEBUG\n\nEnable to send debug messages to the home assistant logbook.\n’, ‘default’: False, ‘selector’: {‘boolean’: None}}} extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘filters’][‘collapsed’]. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘filters’][‘icon’]. Got ‘mdi:filter’ extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘filters’][‘input’]. Got {‘zone_filter’: {‘name’: ‘Zone Filter on/off (Optional)’, ‘description’: ‘Enable to only notify if an object has entered a zone listed below.’, ‘default’: False, ‘selector’: {‘boolean’: None}}, ‘zones’: {‘name’: ‘Required Zones (Optional - Enabled Above)’, ‘description’: 'Enter the name of one zone at a time. It must be lowercase and include underscores as per your Frigate config.\nBy default any zone is acceptable. If you desire ALL listed zones to be entered before getting a notification, e… extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘notification_customisations’][‘collapsed’]. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘notification_customisations’][‘icon’]. Got ‘mdi:bell’ extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘notification_customisations’][‘input’]. Got {‘title’: {‘name’: ‘Notification Title (Optional)’, ‘description’: ‘The title of the notification.’, ‘default’: ‘’}, ‘message’: {‘name’: ‘Notification Message’, ‘description’: “The message of the notification.\nYou can use variables such as {{camera_name}} and {{label}}\ne.g., A {{ label }} {{ ‘is loitering’ if loitering else ‘was detected’ }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera.\n”, ‘default’: “A {{ label }} {{ ‘is loitering’ if loitering else ‘was detected’ }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera.”,… extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘tv_notifications’][‘collapsed’]. Got True extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘tv_notifications’][‘icon’]. Got ‘mdi:television’ extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘tv_notifications’][‘input’]. Got {‘tv’: {‘name’: ‘TV Notification (Optional)’, ‘description’: ‘Set to true if you are notifying an Android/Fire TV Can also be used to prioritise snapshots on the TV over Android mobile apps when notifying a mixed device group. Base URL must be set\nThe below settings are for TV notifications only’, ‘default’: False, ‘selector’: {‘boolean’: None}}, ‘tv_position’: {‘name’: ‘TV Notification Position (Optional)’, ‘description’: ‘Set the position of the notification on your TV’, ‘default’: 'center…

The current blueprint needs 2024.6

So you’ll need to manually grab an older version, or upgrade HA to use the latest.


still not working for me the
blueprint is
frigate 0.14.1
Frigate Home Assistant Integration 5.4

update: it work now after i read this

i add _x now it working
thank you

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Big BETA Update for some as of (thats L not I)

Note that going forward you need home assistant 2024.6 minimum.
If you have not updated in the past month, you will find it wont update from within home assistant. This is because i needed to move the location on github slightly. Please use the buttons in the first post to update the first time, then it will work in home assistant again after that.

  • Beta now allows selection of multiple cameras in one automation
  • Fixed the issue with entity ids in Home Assistant notmatching frigate camera names thanks to a new feature in the frigate integration.
  • Debug now has the option to redact the baseurl (enabled by default) from the debug output
  • A couple commits ago a master condition was added, you may find this useful to stop the automation running based on any condition you want to add.

Breaking change:
Silence new notifications needed to be changed to allow for multi camera inputs. If you use silence new notifications in the default location (action button 3) you should be fine as it will automatically update. If you use it on another action button you need to manually update it to "silence-{{this.entity_id}}" instead of "silence-{{camera}}"

Note that cooldown and silence will affect the automation, (i.e all cameras at once)

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Can you please try this out for tv snapshots (use the same selector as you always have for mobile devices to set the cropped or bounding box stuff)

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May want to note that “Critical Notification” disallows " custom notification channel. I was trying to figure out why the notification websocket data on mobile was showing channel as “alarm_stream” and not my custom configured one, but in the trace in HA is shows properly. Once I set “critical notification” option to false, the custom channel notification came through. If for nothing else, this post may help someone else as I couldnt find anything in the topic thread about it. Thanks for this amazing integration!!