I am attempting to setup frigate notifications via the SgtBatten blueprint. Notifications to my phone work, however the attachment is missing with the below error message “failed to load attachment - response code was unacceptable 404”. If I select the notification, I am able to view the clip or snapshot without issue. Does anyone know why this is happening?
This is already implemented for the next version of frigate
Too many variables, but its an IOS problem.
Raise an issue on github with all the info please.
Does anybody know or tried?
I don’t see why it wouldn’t many of us have it hosted on things like unraid.
Hi, I am quite new to this blueprint and i really like it. It seems that for some reason, I also keep receiving notification for a parked car, althought I turned Loitering Notifications to 0 (so it should be off). Frigate does not detect it as an event, also mqtt messages comes and it says stationary: true. Can I somehow turn these repeated notifications without any movements OFF?
Thank you!
You need to adjust your frigate config to avoid stationary objects. Or stop notifications for cars.
There is a section in the frigate docs specifically about stationary cars.
I’ve seen it, yes. But I thought that Frigate also notes these parked cars as Frigate events and you can see these events when you open Frigate? Because in my situation, no new events are shown in Frigate dashboard, it only sends out notification. I was also checking mqtt messages and they come with stationary : true? which means it should not send notification then (if you disable statinary notifications
- set it to 0)?
It can be an old ongoing event, but also it does not need to be a frigate event. This is why we are moving towards reviews with frigate 0.14. It makes for better filtering for most people.
this does not stop the notifications. You could use it as a custom filter though.
Hello all,
Has anyone else experienced that notifications stop working as soon as zone_filter is activated even if zones are listed?
The zones I want notifications from are listed in lower case and I have double checked several times now that the names are correct against the frigate configuration.
Frigate detects objects in these zones but I get no notifications. If I turn off zone_filter I get notifications from all zones.
Frigate Notifications Blueprint v0.12.0.4l
alias: Frigate note
description: ""
path: SgtBatten/Beta.yaml
- camera.site1_front_yard
- camera.site1_carport
- camera.site1_terrace
- camera.site1_storage
notify_device: ff66aa2a0d548bb3cb3edea3f9c6a777
mqtt_topic: frigate_site1/events
client_id: site1
notify_group: SITE1_GROUP
message: >-
A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the
{{ camera_name }} camera{% if entered_zones %} in the {{ entered_zones |
join(', ') | replace('_',' ') }}{% endif %} at
update_sub_label: false
alert_once: true
update_thumbnail: true
attachment: snapshot.jpg?crop=1
video: >-
icon: mdi:cctv
zone_filter: true
- entrance
- garden
- driveway
- carport
- terrace
- gate
cooldown: 60
Frigate zones
coordinates: 0.608,0.363,1,0.545,1,0.341,0.778,0.247
loitering_time: 0
inertia: 3
coordinates: 1,1,1,0.569,0.565,0.343,0,0.69,0,1
inertia: 4
loitering_time: 3
- person
inertia: 3
loitering_time: 0
coordinates: 0.794,0.23,1,0.335,1,0.162,0.915,0.147
loitering_time: 0
- person
inertia: 3
coordinates: 0.234,0.519,0.229,0.258,0.039,0.35,0.048,0.643
loitering_time: 5
- person
turn on debug and check the output in the trace
Any tips on how it can make clips faster? As soon as I click notification, sometimes I have to reload the url to get the clip.
Edit: Any way to view go2rtc stream of “View Stream” instead of my 5fps ffmpeg config?
I noticed the same issue, I haven’t been able to debug this though as I’ve been getting flooded with other events, I live on a somewhat busy street.
It seems it’s now recommended to use the frigate/reviews
It is generally recommended to trigger notifications based on the
mqtt topic. This provides the event_id(s) needed to fetch thumbnails/snapshots/clips and other useful information to customize when and where you want to receive alerts. The data is published in the form of a change feed, which means you can reference the “previous state” of the object in thebefore
section and the “current state” of the object in theafter
Find the url you need and use it for the button. You can write whatever url you want
Don’t go changing this unless you are using the version specifically designed for it on GitHub, which defaults to frigate/reviews.
Was there a fix for the live stream token that expires ?
Is there a way to extend duration of the clip? I normally get 9 seconds of clip from the notification.
Use a different url if you want a permanent live stream. Use one for your camera that gortc or frigate provides.
Frigate has config options for the clip.