Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

If you do a find and replace on the blueprint and replace “thumbnail” with “snapshot” that should achieve what you are after.

I’m curious first though if you click on view snapshot from the notification, if that is the correct uncropped image you are looking for?

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i figured it out modifying the blueprint

yes exactly i did that mod and now i have the full size image in the notification

Notifying Android devices using the home assistant app

Two things to consider.

Have you set critical notifications to true? If not, do this.

Have you setup local push via the app? Probably not significant in terms of the delay but worthwhile to look into this to prevent hitting API daily limits

I have it set for websockets, where do I find critical notifications at?

It’s an option in the blueprint (automation config)

Not in mine.
The only options I have in my blueprint are here:

That appears to be an old version of hunterjms blueprint.

If you update it you’ll have more options such as critical notifications. However it is known to have compatibility issues with frigate 0.11 or later, which is why I’ve been updating this one for everyone


Thanks for all of your awesome work with getting the blueprint to work with Frigate 0.11, @SgtBatten :smiley: I was wondering, I’m using your blueprint with the state entity, it’s working great. For my use case, it would be really great to have the option to have an entity in a particular state for a set amount of time, is this possible with the blueprint?

Very possible, though i’m not sure of the best way to implement.

For now you could create a template sensor which only becomes true after x time and use the state of that.

Please could you explain what you mean by this? This may be what I’ve been looking for.

The state entity referred to is an additional condition I added where you can pick an entity and only send notifications when it is in one of the states chosen by you.

e.g I only notify my phone when my front door is locked (because usually if it is unlocked, I am the one triggering frigate event. )

Thank You so much for your efforts!

Hi all,

I have a working Frigate, MQTT in HA in a Portainer Stack. I can get my own manually made simple automations to work based on a Device entity state change or sensor. But I wanted to pass the snapshot of what it detected so when I get a notification, I have some context vs having to login to Frigate, find the camera, find the recording, go back to the time where the event happened, etc.

I stumbled on this blueprint, and I imagined it would just work but unfortunately nothing happens on my end. I specify the Camera and the Device. Nothing happens. I don’t know where to begin to diagnose this, but Frigate is detecting stuff, everything working fine on that end. HA sees Frigate, sees all the entities and is able to fire a notification if I create one manually. But for some reason any automation created with the blueprint just sits there in idle and does not ever trigger.

Just looking to see where I can begin to figure out how to diagnose this and fix it. Otherwise, is there a simple way to pass the snapshot to the notification via a simple manual automation?


Are you using the one in the OP or a fork like mine?

ETA: Unless something in frigate has changed, the OP one requires a fix to work with 0.11+, hence my fixed version exists

I have tried both. Getting the same result unfortunately.

Your script actually sees my cameras in the list and picks them properly. But despite all of that I cannot get the most basic notification to work. Literally nothing happens.

Where can someone look to see why an automation is not firing? I am completely in the dark trying to figure out how to get this to work.

Thank you

Happy to take it to PM if you want to share a bunch of detail without clogging up the thread.

Things I look for initially are
which blueprint is being used? (stick with mine to help me troubleshoot)
what is the automation config? (yaml)
is the frigate integration installed/working (sounds like it is)
is mqtt installed and working?

If required we can also look at your frigate config.

Thank you, that would be extremely helpful! I greatly apologize for the following stupid question but I cannot for the life of me find a way to send you a PM. Not sure if I simply am unable to do this because of the age of this account (I just created it today). I don’t see any way to send a PM, DM or any form of direct messaging in your card or profile page.

Sent you one.