Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

I am using your one with frigate 0.11.1. I am on nabu casa and cannot get any notification to work.

Here’s my settings - I’d greatly appreciate any tips to get it going (notifications are enabled on my device and i’m all signed in etc - i had this working prior)

I am using nabu casa so it’s odd it’s not working. I assume (hope) i’m missing something obvious

Yeah I can’t get mine working either, using all the same settings as I did on the original blueprint

@Mibix your lists need to be in list format.

use - person not just person. See an example in the pre-amble at the top of the automation config screen.

Same for trigger zone, but that is not currently an issue as you have not enabled it with the toggle above it.

@Joel_DE can you share a snapshot of your trace tree please?

I suspect you need to make your filters (lists) lower case

thanks for your help! much appreciated.

do you mean this?

Yes, but was that triggered manually by you? doesn’t seem to have a trigger at the top. You can scroll left to see a few other historical ones. One of those top two asterix/star things should be coloured like this: image

Derp, got it all working now thanks. Still not used to the GUI editors.

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I’ll make some improvements so it looks like this where you can select or enter custom values and not worry about the list format, and handle capitals


sorry stepped out for an appointment.

i found one i think was triggered.

looks like it’s filtering on object label so not firing?

ok here’s one i just triggered using the automatoin (not manual)

no notification came through though on my device

so it seems it’s the device i’m using. I can get notifcations fine using node red via HA using this device:

but on the automation I can only select this one:

it seems its’ to do with that. i am trying to use groups and i have my joel_s phone device under there but it’s still not working

EDIT: odd. i got it working. perhaps a restart of ha config helped i’m not sure. but i removed teh group and it’s working fine. i did rename the main person device from Joel Phone to Joels Phone - that coudl have done it?

So the Mobile Device selector only shows individual mobile devices.

If you want to use a group or notify an android tv etc you should use the field directly underneath instead.

Have the blueprint running for some time and it is working great. Only thing is that the snapshot send to the iPhone is to low resolution. I Have an other (bleuprint running also sending an image which is a real snapshot from the camera). How to improve the image which is available after the “click” action. Would it be possible to have it open:

  1. a higher resolution image
  2. or a different snapshot image from media/my_dahua_cam/last_motion.jpg

Thanks, help if I read the prompt properly wouldn’t it! :slight_smile:

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I’m using Frigate Notification (0.10.0) huntjm. Is there another one I should be using?

Many users experienced an issue after a home assistant update some time ago relating to how default values were handled. There is a fairly simple fix posted a long way back in this thread, but I forked the blueprint and made the modification myself to save others the trouble. Over the subsequent months i’ve been progressively adding more features and fixes for edge cases.

There’s no need to change for anyone who doesn’t have issues with the one in the OP, but as hunterjm has not posted here in a while i’ve been supporting this updated version

You can control the resolution of the snapshot with your frigate config.

The thumbnail image will be low resolution, but frigate has settings for the snapshots.

Would this include beta 12?

Frigate version 12 beta? Yes I run that.

Sorry, I was trying to ask if your notification fork would work with it, but your using it so that answers my question. Thanks by the way

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@SgtBatten Just wanted to let you know that its working perfectly now. Thank you so much. I wonder if they can completely replace huntmjs with yours as the standard. It would help out a lot as google searches never came up with yours and always leads his.