Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Thanks for clarifying.

As would I. Unfortunately the blueprint triggers off mqtt messages sent in the frigate/events mqtt topic so it means a message containing the appropriate values was sent at one point. As for why frigate dropped the event, we would have to look at debugging that through a frigate GitHub issue is say.

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I updated my iOS Home Assistant app today and now do not get snapshots in the notifications and the link to show the video when pressing the notification goes to a blank page. The app made some changes somewhere…

There was some discussion a few days ago about disabling local push with IOS 16.4

Local push is already disabled in the HA app settings. Should I be disabling it somewhere else?

No i assume that was what they referred to.

So something else has changed then possibly.

Please tell me what version of the blueprint you are using. And also check if the url opens in another browser or on a computer.

Stable version 15

The url does not open in another browser

When I look at the HA update in the iOS store it says “fixes notifications with attachments being lost in Local Push under iOS 16.4 or later by working around a bug”

Could you share the url (remove your personal bit at the beginning if necessary.)

If it’s not opening on a computer the url is likely wrong somehow.


I get a white screen. It “goes somewhere” but blank. And this was 100% working before the HA app update.

Someone on the gist mentioned they couldn’t open snapshots or clips on any browser on their iOS phone but could open the same links on their computer.

I assume it works with your baseurl on a computer?

Hunter coming through again, I love this whole project!

@SgtBatten is there configuration I’m missing to make the silence notifications work outside of setting the number of minutes which is snoozed for. I get constant notifications despite snoozing when my kids are outside.

@wwelles Is it multiple events? Or one event ongoing if the kids aren’t leaving the camera view?

If you can sleep the camera, and then walk out and trigger a new event within the sleep window, I probably need to fix something.

@SgtBatten thanks for the quick reply and the great work on the blueprint.

I think both? Getting a metric ton of notifications so it’s a bit hard to be certain. The camera is positioned at the front of the garage and much of the playing would involve going out of frame. In one circumstance I silenced 5+ seperate notifications all at once and it made no difference.

The way it is meant to work is that it will stop new event notifications for the specified time. Existing events keep getting updates.

It’s not something I’ve used much but i want to get it right all the same.

Could you share your config and blueprint version please.

Hello, I recently updated to the most recent version of HA (2023.4.1), and as a result, the frigate automation no longer functions. I can see an update to the time stamp in the last triggered under automations, but no notifications have been sent to my ios or android devices, and there are no errors in the HA logs either. Can you tell me how to identify the problem?

tried using both of the below blueprint :

For TV notifications, was there a setting to not turn on the TV if it is already off? I thought I recall seeing something?

@SgtBatten using and standard settings but adjusted the silence setting to 60 mins.

I just spent time watching the feed while comparing the notifications. It’s happening because I have a mask and the child is entering the mask then returning. I guess this is working as intended as upon returning they are considered a new object?

Is there a way to add a feature which disables all notifications for a period of time even if they leave and re-enter?

Please see the link at the top of the first post in this topic. Let us know if you need help.

No, I’ve not experienced the tv turning on. Guessing your tv isn’t really off though, just in standby or some sort of light sleep?

When my tv is off I get an error because the notification service isn’t available. So I use the state filter options to only send notifications if the tv is not off. You could use the same thing for your issue I suspect.

That’s how it is meant to work. It should not be notifying for new events when silenced. The easiest test would be to trigger a notification, walk out of shot for a minute and hit silence on the notification, then walk back in shot and the new event that frigate generates should NOT be sent to your phone. If it is, something’s wrong.

I would be checking myself but am not home currently and dont want to bother people at home sorry. I can check in a couple of days if you can’t in the mean time.

I believe masks only apply to new motion. Existing object continue to be tracked. So if the kids don’t leave the camera view it could well be the same event, which can continue after being silenced

Edit. I was wrong. Motion masks can hide a tracked object and cause it to become a new event. So it seems something is wrong with the silence function of you are not able to silence them.