Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

I am, for example, disabling the complete automation when I’ve opened my front door. So that I don’t get any unnecessary notifications from me or my wife when we leave the home.
The same on my door into the garden.

I use the state filter for that purpose too. Only send notifications if the door is closed or unavailable.

@wwelles I confirmed the silence notification function was not working and I think I have a fix for it. Testing now

@SgtBatten thanks, I look forward to a fix. I had intended to test your suggestion but I hadn’t yet been able to with the holiday weekend.

I am unable to get this to work. I have not used blue print for automations before. I just setup Frigate yesterday, I imported the blue print and gave my camera name and my phone as notification device where companion app it installed. Nothing happens when I triggered by walking in front of the camera and also when I test it by choosing “run”

I have setup a manual actionable notification where it shows the snapshot when a person is detected and it is working fine. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with the blueprint.

Hi @jugulator

Happy to help.

Which blueprint version did you import?
How did you install frigate (as a Home assistant add-on or as a standalone install)?
Is the frigate integration installed?
Is mqtt installed?

You won’t be able to run it manually like that, only by sending a fake mqtt message which is not necessary for now.

Thanks for your reply.

Blueprint version is 0.10.0

Frigate as a home assistant add-on and installed integration. I can see all the entities on HA. As I said I can trigger automation by choosing my camera.person.occupancy. But nothing happens with this blueprint

Thanks for your help

Of course MQTT installed and as mentioned all entities are available on HA

Check the top of the very first post in this thread. I have created an updated version of the blueprint which the mods have linked there. Unfortunately the original one has not been updated by the OP and is broken.

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Hi @SgtBatten . Thanks for your work on this. Using the latest stable blueprint to receive iOS notifications. The notifications occur quickly, and the iOS live video preview works great, but no other assets will load from any notification. The “view clip” button always redirects to safari and shows the no video icon. “View snapshot” redirects to safari and shows a broken image icon. “View Stream” returns a text 404 message in safari.

Any ideas? I have my Base URL option in settings set to my subdomain, which is a reverse proxy to my HA ip:8123.

Please click those links that open in safari and paste one here for me. Remove your baseurl for privacy.



First is the stream button, second is snapshot. I noticed at least for the stream, it first switches to the home assistant app, and then switches to safari.

Can you open this on your home network after inputting your HA IP address.
http://{{HA IP}}:8123/api/frigate/notifications/1681171860.956235-dtb4h1/snapshot.jpg

Still get the missing image icon.

Go to the event tab in frigate, does it have a snapshot?

Is the frigate integration installed?

Yes and yes.

Just realized the snapshots and clips are showing up under home assistant’s media tab. For example, if I open a new snapshot from HA, right click and hit copy image link, here is what I get:


edit: maybe it’s the double “frigate” after /api/ ?

We are using the documented integration api which has not changed so nothing unexpected there as it is not a related url.

Have you tried the url on another device (not an IOS phone)
Someone else on github reported IOS issues recently.

It did not work on either iOS or windows. However, I just figured it out by reinstalling the frigate HACS integration and the HA integration. My HA integration options had “Enable the unauthenticated notification event proxy” turned off, but reinstalling it set it to default on. Now it all works. That’s why my media URL worked but the other one didn’t: my media URLs had the “?authSig=” .

No idea why that was off, didn’t think I ever touched those options.


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Ahh right, didn’t think of that. Pretty sure it’s on by default. Might make a note in future release notes

Anyone else periodically not getting attached thumbnail images with notifications to Android devices? Struggling to find what the problem might be. I’m currently running of SgtBatten’s Frigate notification blueprint.

Below are traces for a notification that has an attachment and one that has no attachment. They branch off differently at the same highlighted step.