Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Screenshot of the orelse change


How it’s possible to add time condition?

I want exactly this automation but will work only between 12AM-6AM

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Would you be willing to try the original blueprint again (with the or/else fix) or my fork which has that done already plus a few more improvements?

My front cam has 5 zones and I use the zone filter to only get notifications from two of them

The unavailable entities Ive not seen before. Perhaps you used to track those objects specifically but now don’t in your frigate config?

In any case, none of those ones you screenshot are required for the automation. The ones that matter are the camera entity itself and the fps sensor. Please check their entity IDs do not contain _2 at the end.

Yes easy to do. The blueprint is just an automation after all. If you can get the indentation right (lined up with the conditions already in the blueprint) you will have it in no time. If not, I’ll update my blueprint after work with a drop down selector of hours you want it enabled.

The issue was one of user error. While testing, I had MQTT Explorer running and listening for the events to make sure it was all working.

I hadn’t realised that I’d left it running so I was consuming the events and they weren’t reaching Home Assistant. As soon as I quit the program, the notifications started coming through.

For some reason I can’t set Trigger Objects (e.g. person) as it then stops all notifications, but I’ll continue looking into that one another day.

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I will wait for a new blueprint version
Or if you can share here a quick solution

I tried to put new condition with no success

i’ll setup a parallel blueprint and notification to see what happens.

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did the critical notifications time limiter work for you?

I won’t be able to test myself for most of the day but i’ll pm you a blueprint with the time filter option i’ve just made.

Are you entering it as - person with the -

I am actually. I read your post to change the FPS section but I am BRAND NEW to HA and I can’t even figure out how to edit an imported BP. I am having the same issue as fspatt where it doesn’t even trigger at all.

I click the imported blueprint and goto Edit YAML and it’s like 10 lines??? I know there is more but no idea how to access it. I tried then to just ‘create’ the BP and I just get errors… I’m very sorry but I know so little about HA / YAML notation…

I can confirm everything else is working, including my MQTT… I’m running a simpler BP now that I get notifications with… My entire setup is dockerized on ubuntu bare metal. Frigate / HA / MQTT

Thanks fspatt,

If I can’t get the orig working with SgtBattens rec’s going ill try that other BP

No dramas. So the yaml you are looking at here is for the automation.

To edit the blueprint itself you need to edit the file that by default (assuming you imported it) is stored in config/blueprints/automation/hunterjm/[name of yaml file].yaml

I won’t speculate on what you have setup but hopefully you have a file editor addon installed (same one you use to edit configuration.yaml) and can navigate to that folder. For reference, configuration.yaml is in the /config folder, so you are just looking for a folder called blueprints in the same location.

You can duplicate the file or make edits to the original if you wish. Just note that the name that appears in the selector when you create and automation is not set by the file name, it is set on line 2 of the yaml with the name: key

Thank you! Seems obvious now, but I kept looking to edit within HA. Yes, I can easily edit in nano - appreciate your help!

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Absolutely, it’s working great! Thank you so much, sorry I replied only now but work is killing me!
In the next couple of days I might try to implement a switch(boolean) anyway, just to have it more flexible, but so far so good!
Thank you again.

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Hey SgtBatten, I’m new to Frigate and the notification blueprint. I’m struggling to get the trigger zones working, I’m receiving notifications for all zones rather than my input zones. I just finished reading through the last 90+ days of this thread and have not found a solution. Any suggestions are appreciated. Below is an example of a camera, my notification config, and a trace changed variables from a notification I received.

Notification config:

alias: DrivePTZ North
description: Frigate DrivePTZ North
  path: SgtBatten/frigate_0.11_notification.yaml
    camera: camera.driveptz_north
    notify_device: 57615761db3c6e5da463ee14b683adac
    zone_filter: true
      - zone_yard
      - zone_drain
      - driveway
      - walkway
      - south_yard

This is the version I’m using: Frigate Notifications have moved · GitHub

And the output of a trace from a received notification:

  entity_id: automation.automation_8
  state: 'on'
    last_triggered: '2022-11-17T02:17:45.630092+00:00'
    mode: parallel
    current: 0
    max: 10
    id: '1668525013015'
    friendly_name: DrivePTZ North
  last_changed: '2022-11-15T20:10:58.095313+00:00'
  last_updated: '2022-11-17T02:17:48.917838+00:00'
    parent_id: null
    user_id: null
  id: frigate-event
  idx: '1'
  alias: null
  platform: mqtt
  topic: frigate/events
  payload: >-
    {"before": {"id": "1668652265.871272-t33dtv", "camera": "DrivePTZ_North",
    "frame_time": 1668652265.871272, "snapshot_time": 0.0, "label": "car",
    "sub_label": null, "top_score": 0.0, "false_positive": true, "start_time":
    1668652265.871272, "end_time": null, "score": 0.71484375, "box": [482, 103,
    561, 137], "area": 2686, "ratio": 2.323529411764706, "region": [364, 0, 684,
    320], "stationary": false, "motionless_count": 0, "position_changes": 0,
    "current_zones": [], "entered_zones": [], "has_clip": false, "has_snapshot":
    false}, "after": {"id": "1668652265.871272-t33dtv", "camera":
    "DrivePTZ_North", "frame_time": 1668652270.169331, "snapshot_time":
    1668652270.169331, "label": "car", "sub_label": null, "top_score":
    0.701171875, "false_positive": false, "start_time": 1668652265.871272,
    "end_time": null, "score": 0.70703125, "box": [483, 104, 564, 136], "area":
    2592, "ratio": 2.53125, "region": [372, 0, 692, 320], "stationary": false,
    "motionless_count": 6, "position_changes": 1, "current_zones": ["street"],
    "entered_zones": ["street"], "has_clip": true, "has_snapshot": true},
    "type": "new"}
  qos: 0
  description: mqtt topic frigate/events
      id: 1668652265.871272-t33dtv
      camera: DrivePTZ_North
      frame_time: 1668652265.871272
      snapshot_time: 0
      label: car
      sub_label: null
      top_score: 0
      false_positive: true
      start_time: 1668652265.871272
      end_time: null
      score: 0.71484375
        - 482
        - 103
        - 561
        - 137
      area: 2686
      ratio: 2.323529411764706
        - 364
        - 0
        - 684
        - 320
      stationary: false
      motionless_count: 0
      position_changes: 0
      current_zones: []
      entered_zones: []
      has_clip: false
      has_snapshot: false
      id: 1668652265.871272-t33dtv
      camera: DrivePTZ_North
      frame_time: 1668652270.169331
      snapshot_time: 1668652270.169331
      label: car
      sub_label: null
      top_score: 0.701171875
      false_positive: false
      start_time: 1668652265.871272
      end_time: null
      score: 0.70703125
        - 483
        - 104
        - 564
        - 136
      area: 2592
      ratio: 2.53125
        - 372
        - 0
        - 692
        - 320
      stationary: false
      motionless_count: 6
      position_changes: 1
        - street
        - street
      has_clip: true
      has_snapshot: true
    type: new
input_camera: camera.driveptz_north
camera: driveptz_north
camera_name: Driveptz North
base_url: ''
critical: false
alert_once: false
update_thumbnail: false
group_target: ''
zone_only: true
  - zone_yard
  - zone_drain
  - driveway
  - walkway
  - south_yard
  - zone_yard
  - zone_drain
  - driveway
  - walkway
  - south_yard
input_labels: []
labels: []
presence_entity: ''
cooldown: 30
loiter_timer: 0
fps: 5
state_only: false
input_entity: ''
input_states: []
states_filter: []

These conversations can be a bit long so if you are happy i’ll move it to PM to troubleshoot, then we can post the answer back here if we work it out.

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I’m having the exact same problem. No alerts on iphone. I’ve no idea how to debug this.

I see all sorts of Frigate activity in the Home Assistant History tab. For example ‘camera 1 person count’ shows an active graph. Frigate’s native Events page correctly shows recordings when people enter various zones. The docker log shows Frigate receiving various mqtt messages. Frigate Lovelace cards show expected clips, etc.

Yet my Blueprints never seem to trigger, even if they are just the camera name (case matched to Frigate), Device (my iphone) and no other options. Adding in options (zones, etc.) doesn’t seem to help.

What version of frigate?
Which blueprint/ version of the blueprint?
Have you confirmed the entity id for the camera entity in HA matches the frigate config?