Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

See above. :slight_smile: Be sure you have set a notification device, even if you are using a notification group. Otherwise be more specific about the error.

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Is there a way when you click the notification, for it to open the Frigate stream in the Home Assistant iOS app? Currently It opens Safari and plays the stream, or if I set to open Frigate, just takes me to the main Frigate page, which I then have to click the relevant stream.

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Hi! I am playing with beta version and sound detection, is it possible to send notifications when a baby is crying with this blueprint? It is easy with a normal automation but I do not find out how to filter audio events with the blueprint. Thanks!

No guarantee. But if you don’t use a baseurl many of the links should open in the app rather than the browser. It’s been inconsistent between users forever.

The blueprint is built around frigate events as the trigger, so audio is not something that can be a trigger. You could use it as a filter, but would miss lots of events.

I have put baby monitors in frigate before, but I still get alerts from the camera app directly.

Thanks! filtering “crying” in the audio is working pretty good, at least in last beta, no false negatives or positives in 2 days testing. Frigate triggers a binary sensor that is easy to use in a “normal” automation but I have no idea where I should put this in the blueprint.

I’m not familiar with how you are filtering crying but if you want to use a binary sensor as a filter then you just enter it in either the state filter or custom filter (using a template) fields

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How do we setup notifications for only Doorbell presses?

This is for Frigate, so I’m guessing you don’t really want this blueprint.


I want to try the v13 of Frigate. Anybody knows if this blueprint will still work after the upgrade from v12?

There was a breaking change in the format of the sub_label…so if you are using DoubleTake you may have to use the beta - I’m not sure if it is pushed live yet, but the work is done and I think SgtB is testing it.

The “breaking” just means a weird name for a recognized face, it’s not fatal.

yes it does.

With version 0.13 Frigate has introduced the possibility to trigger on sound as a new option.

Coudn’t find a issue on github for this, does this mean it hasn’t been requested yet, or is in the works?

You can use the doorbell entity being active as a filter as long as it stays true for some time.

You probably also want the bypass filter option which is in another branch of the repository currently.

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Perhaps someone can help me, with my little problem. :wink:
I like to get a notification when nobody is at home. Therefore I use a group in the presence filter and it works as expected.
But during the night I want to get a notification even if somebody is at home.
So I need a kind of “or condition”:
Send a notification either when nobody is at home or if the time is between 11PM and 7AM. In this time period it doesn’t matter if someones at home or not.
I don’t how to do realize this in the blueprint because most time and state filters only prevent from notifications.
Thanks in advance

Just create another automation.

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As mentioned, another automation with a time filter for overnight. Or create a template that covers both and use the custom filter in the beta.

Hello, are there any other requirements to get the double take labels working again, other than using the beta? It was working fine for me a week ago or so but stopped and I just got around to installing the beta update for the blueprint, but still doesn’t work for me.

Sorry I’m not sure. A user contributed the fix. I am still using the V12 frigate as I’ve not had time to look into upgrading and it’s working fine.

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Hi there. Thank you for the good work, much appreciated!

Going through the settings and this thread I have not found a solution for my situation:

My HA instance is not exposed to- and not reachable from the internet (and I want to keep it that way).

Is there a way to have the thumbnail / snapshot attached to the message by itself, as “payload” of the message (and not via a reference to the media file).

As of now, any notification I get outside of my network is just text based and the links are “going to nowhere”. I’m aware, that the later will stay like this no matter what, but a thumbnail / snapshot would be nice :slight_smile:

any ideas?