Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Thanks for your answers and your great work. :clap:
I will create a second automation as workaround.


I’m running into an issue, I’m receiving this error (message malformed: Unknown Device) when I leave the mobile device drop down blank. I’m trying to setup notifications to send to a group. Not sure what I’m doing wrong but I’m sure the error is on my part. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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It was change in HA core. You cannot leave the device blank. You must select a device. It was discussed several posts above yours.


shame on me, I should have done some searching before posting.
Thank you for the reply.

LOL, no problem. Been there, done that. Was just hoping that I didn’t give you the wrong answer :smile:

i wonder, when the the frigate is see a person, can i some how, get it up on my Samsnung TV? i can see in the settings, but dont understand how to selcet the tv?

You need to follow the link at the top of the blueprint and install the required things on the TV.

sems like i hava other problem, i cant see my Frigate Camera on the entity list. but i can see the feed when go in to frigate

iam using Frigate (Full Access)
Current version: 0.12.1 from the add on.

and mqtt, is that right?

Did you install the frigate integration as well? You need it

no i do not have it, will try ti install it, boothe of the url is not working, so will need some time to figuer it out.

When going to frigate from the add on i can http://homeassistant.local:8123/ccab4aaf_frigate-fa/ingress

but i cant the url to work to install the frigate integration

You install it through HACS Home Assistant Integration | Frigate

yes that i know, looks like i did have the wrong link, the likns that they are showing was not working if runnin frigate full
http://ccab4aaf-frigate-fa:5000/ works its hte -fa that was missing

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+1 for this

Also, does anyone know how I could clear the notifications? I know how to clear

But the tags used appear to be unique to each notification. What I want to do is clear any/all notifications from my doorbell when I open my door, triggered by my door sensor.

I guess I’d either need a way to get all the tags used in last X hours, or a feature to be able to set a custom tag in this blueprint.

Has anybody found a way to use TTS with the notification to play a message with the name of person detected?

In simple words:
Let’s say that the person’s name detected on the camera is Mark. I want to announce on the speaker that ‘Mark is at the door’.

Does this work with PiPup instead of NfAT?

Should be possible using custom action.

I can’t get the blueprint Frigate Notifications ( to send a notification to my phone if I click the run option.
I’m running Frigate (0.12.1-367d724) in a docker container with the HACS addon in HA.

My MQTT logs have this error. I don’t know where that IP comes from.
2023-12-20 20:14:02: New connection from on port 1883.
2023-12-20 20:14:02: Client closed its connection.

I was able to setup a manual automation that does work

alias: Notify of events
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' }}"
  - service: notify.mobile_app_my_iphone
      message: Someone is at the door
      title: Doorbell
        entity_id: camera.camerafrontdoor_person

Kind of new to this so include as much details as you can to help. Thanks

You can’t run it manually, it needs the data from the mqtt message.

works automatically or when you press run? If the former, then there is likely no issues with mqtt.

Post your automation yaml?

I’m guessing you want the yaml for the blueprint automation?

alias: Frigate Notifications (
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.camerafrontdoor
    notify_device: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    attachment: snapshot
    critical: "false"
    title: Front Door
    silence_timer: 1
    debug: true
    ios_live_view: true
    tap_action: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
    url_1: >-
      'camera.' ~ camera, 'access_token')}}

Looks fine. It doesn’t trigger at all, no traces?