Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

it’s not triggered, cant see any tracing.

alias: Frigate Notifications (
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.deurbel_frigate
    notify_device: 6f7b9f66d7fe7c136497433541e8cc1f
    attachment: snapshot
    base_url: *****
    message: Er staat iemand bij de voordeur
    update_thumbnail: true
    ios_live_view: true
      - person
    tv: true
    tv_interrupt: true

thank you for your reply:)

You’re welcome. FYI, I’m very new at Frigate myself, but I think the camera name might be the issue.

Can you try renaming your camera in frigate or with the entity_id in home assistant?

dude i changed my camera id to camera.deurbel (name of my camera) and now i see an trace (have no idea why this works)

so iam one step closer :slight_smile:


It works because the automation was looking for an camera with _frigate and the MQTT did not contain that name. Now with the new entity_id that is the same as frigate the automation can trigger based on the MQTT.

now to figure out why i can’t get the message on my iphone.

it looks like the stats cannot be reached.
frigate and mqtt are running on haos.

What does the trace tell you is happening?

Where are you seeing this. Doesn’t seem related to the automation at first glance

i have seen this message in the general logs.
I have finally managed to trigger the automation, but no actions where taken (see three posts back)

Did you try to manually run the automation? (It doesn’t work that way)

For trouble shooting if recommend keeping it as simple as possible. Set tv and tv interrupt to false, remove the person label filter. Walk in front of the camera and see what happens.

i triggerd the automation by walking in front of the camera, and will get that tracing.
i tried it with only the camera and app defined that will receive the notification.

Tried it also with the beta but same result. (tracing from few posts back are from the stable one)

Click on step two, what does it say on the right.

not completely understand where i have to look at :sweat_smile:

It’s behaving as if it’s on cooldown.

Are there other traces that have more steps taken? Click the left arrow to go back a few.

No all the traces looks like this,i will go futher with this tomorrow.thank you your reply’s.i there is more info i can give it tomorrow

Hi @SgtBatten - is there a simple way to only send a notification if an entity has been in a state for a certain amount of time? (eg. only send notifications if a door has been closed for at least 30 seconds)

Would you recommend the custom filter or am I better off using an automation to manually delay a separate input boolean?

Custom filter would work perfectly for that use case

Thanks for your work.
I’ve also issue with notifications. Notification test by dev tools is ok.
The code :

alias: Frigate Notifications
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera_2
    notify_device: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6
    message: Un mouvement a été détecté dehors
    attachment: snapshot
    update_thumbnail: false

The automation config :

mode: parallel
  input_camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera_2
  camera: '{{ input_camera | replace(''camera.'', '''') }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: silence-{{ camera }}
    id: silence
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
    payload: '{{ camera }}/new'
    value_template: >-
      {{ value_json['after']['camera'] | lower | replace('-','_') }}/{{
    id: frigate-event
  input_camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera_2
  camera: '{{ input_camera | replace(''camera.'', '''') }}'
  camera_name: '{{ camera | replace(''_'', '' '') | title }}'
  input_base_url: ''
  base_url: '{{ input_base_url.rstrip(''/'')}}'
  attachment: snapshot
  critical_input: 'false'
  critical: '{{ true if critical_input == ''true'' else false }}'
  alert_once: false
  update_thumbnail: false
  ios_live_view: false
  group: ''
  group_target: '{{ group | lower | replace(''notify.'', '''') | replace('' '',''_'') }}'
  zone_only: false
  input_zones: []
  zones: '{{ input_zones | list | lower }}'
  zone_multi: false
  input_labels: ''
  labels: '{{ input_labels | list | lower }}'
  presence_entity: ''
  disable_times: []
  cooldown: 30
  loitering: false
  loiter_timer: 0
  fps: '{{ states(''sensor.'' + camera + ''_camera_fps'')|int(5) }}'
  state_only: false
  input_entity: ''
  input_states: []
  states_filter: '{{ input_states | list | lower }}'
  color: steelblue
  sound: default
  tv: false
  tv_position: center
  tv_size: large
  tv_duration: 10
  tv_transparency: 0%
  tv_interrupt: false
  debug: false
  - choose:
      - alias: Silence New Object Notifications
          - condition: trigger
            id: silence
          - service: automation.turn_off
              entity_id: '{{ this.entity_id }}'
              stop_actions: false
          - delay:
              minutes: 30
          - service: automation.turn_on
              entity_id: '{{ this.entity_id }}'
      - alias: Frigate Event
          - condition: trigger
            id: frigate-event
          - '{{ is_state(this.entity_id, ''on'') }}'
          - >-
            {{ not this.attributes.last_triggered or (now() -
            this.attributes.last_triggered).seconds > cooldown }}
          - >-
            {{ not disable_times|length or not now().hour in
            disable_times|map('int')|list }}
          - variables:
              id: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''id''] }}'
              object: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''label''] }}'
              label: '{{ object | title }}'
              initial_home: >-
                {{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home')
              initial_entered_zones: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
              zone_multi_filter: >-
                {{zone_only and zone_multi and initial_entered_zones|length and
                zones and zones |reject('in', initial_entered_zones) |list
                |length == 0 }}
              title: ''
              message: Un mouvement a été détecté dehors
              tap_action: >-
              button_1: View Clip
              button_2: View Snapshot
              button_3: Silence New Notifications
              url_1: >-
              url_2: '{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg'
              url_3: silence-{{ camera }}
              icon: mdi:home-assistant
              channel: ''
          - alias: 'Debug: write to Log'
              - conditions:
                  - '{{debug}}'
                  - service: logbook.log
                      name: Frigate Notification
                      message: |
                            fps: {{fps}}, 
                            frigate event id: {{id}}, 
                            object (formatted): {{object}} ({{label}}),
                            camera(formatted): {{camera}}({{camera_name}}), 
                            Base URL: {{base_url}}, 
                            critical: {{critical}}, 
                            alert once: {{alert_once}}, 
                            Update Thumbnails: {{update_thumbnail}}, 
                            Target: {{'group (input/formatted): ' + group + '/' + group_target + ', ' if group else 'Mobile Device'}}
                            cooldown: {{cooldown}}s, 
                            loiter timer: {{loiter_timer}}s,
                            color: {{color}}, 
                            sound: {{sound}},
                            Title: {{title}}, 
                            Message: {{message}},
                            tap_action: {{tap_action}}, 
                            button 1 Text/URL: {{iif(button_1, button_1, 'unset')}} ({{url_1}}), 
                            button 2 Text/URL: {{button_2}} ({{url_2}}), 
                            button 3 Text/URL: {{button_3}} ({{url_3}}), 
                            icon: {{icon}}
                            tv: {{tv}}, 
                            tv_position: {{tv_position}}, 
                            tv_size: {{tv_size}}, 
                            tv_duration: {{tv_duration}}, 
                            tv_transparency: {{tv_transparency}}, 
                            tv_interrupt: {{tv_interrupt}}, 
                              zone filter toggle on: {{zone_only}}, 
                              Multi Zone toggle on: {{zone_multi}}, 
                              Required zones: {{input_zones}}, 
                              Entered Zones: {{initial_entered_zones}}, 
                              Zone Filter TEST: {{'PASS (Multi)' if zone_multi_filter else 'PASS' if ( not zone_only or not zone_multi and zones|select('in', initial_entered_zones)|list|length ) else 'FAIL (Multi)' if zone_multi else 'FAIL' }}, 
                            Required objects TEST: 
                              Input: {{input_labels}}, 
                              TEST: {{'PASS' if not labels|length or object in labels else 'FAIL'}}
                            presence entity (not home):
                              Entity: {{presence_entity}}
                              TEST:  {{'PASS' if not initial_home else 'FAIL'}}, 
                            disabled times: {{disable_times}}, 
                            State Filter: 
                              state filter toggle on: {{state_only}}, 
                              state filter entity: {{input_entity}}, 
                              required states: {{input_states}}, 
                              State Filter TEST: {{'PASS' if not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter else 'FAIL' }},
          - alias: Notifications enabled for object label
            condition: template
            value_template: '{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}'
          - alias: Notify on new object
              - conditions:
                  - >-
                    {{ not zone_only or (not zone_multi and zones|select('in',
                    initial_entered_zones)|list|length > 0) or (zone_multi and
                    initial_entered_zones|length > 0 and zones |reject('in',
                    initial_entered_zones) |list |length == 0) }}
                  - '{{ not initial_home }}'
                  - >-
                    {{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter
                  - choose:
                      - conditions: '{{ not group_target }}'
                          - device_id: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6
                            domain: mobile_app
                            type: notify
                            title: '{{title}}'
                            message: '{{message}}'
                              tag: '{{ id }}'
                              group: '{{ camera }}-frigate-notification'
                              color: '{{color}}'
                              image: >-
                              clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                              ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                              priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                              notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                              channel: '{{channel}}'
                              url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                url: >-
                                sound: '{{sound}}'
                                interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                              entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                - action: URI
                                  title: '{{button_1}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                - action: URI
                                  title: '{{button_2}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                  title: '{{button_3}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                  destructive: true
                      - conditions: '{{ tv }}'
                          - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                              title: '{{title}}'
                              message: '{{message}}'
                                tag: '{{ id }}'
                                group: '{{ camera }}-frigate-notification'
                                color: '{{color}}'
                                clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                channel: '{{channel}}'
                                  url: >-
                                fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                timeout: 30
                                url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                  url: >-
                                  sound: '{{sound}}'
                                interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                                entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                  - action: URI
                                    title: '{{button_1}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                  - action: URI
                                    title: '{{button_2}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                  - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                    title: '{{button_3}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                    destructive: true
                      - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                          title: '{{title}}'
                          message: '{{message}}'
                            tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                            group: >-
                              {{ camera }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                            color: '{{color}}'
                            image: >-
                            clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                            ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                            priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                            notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                            channel: '{{channel}}'
                            fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                            position: '{{tv_position}}'
                            duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                            transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                            interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                            url: '{{tap_action}}'
                              url: >-
                              sound: '{{sound}}'
                              interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                            entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                              - action: URI
                                title: '{{button_1}}'
                                uri: '{{url_1}}'
                              - action: URI
                                title: '{{button_2}}'
                                uri: '{{url_2}}'
                              - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                title: '{{button_3}}'
                                uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                destructive: true
          - repeat:
                - wait_for_trigger:
                    - platform: mqtt
                      topic: frigate/events
                      payload: '{{ id }}'
                      value_template: '{{ value_json[''after''][''id''] }}'
                    minutes: 2
                  continue_on_timeout: false
                - variables:
                    event: '{{ wait.trigger.payload_json }}'
                    loitering: >-
                      {{ loiter_timer and
                      event['before']['motionless_count']/fps/60 < loiter_timer
                      and event['after']['motionless_count']/fps/60 >=
                      loiter_timer }}
                    new_snapshot: >-
                      {{ update_thumbnail and event['before']['snapshot_time']
                      != event['after']['snapshot_time'] }}
                    home: >-
                      {{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity,
                      'home') }}
                    presence_changed: >-
                      {{ presence_entity != '' and
                      as_datetime(event['before']['frame_time']) <
                      states[presence_entity].last_changed }}
                    last_zones: '{{ event[''before''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
                    entered_zones: '{{ event[''after''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
                    zone_filter: >-
                      {{ not zone_only or zones|select('in',
                      entered_zones)|list|length > 0 }}
                    zone_multi_filter: >-
                      {{not zone_only or not zone_multi or (
                      entered_zones|list|length > 0 and zones and
                      zones|reject('in', entered_zones)|list|length == 0 ) }}
                    stationary_moved: >-
                      {{ event['after']['position_changes'] >
                      event['before']['position_changes'] }}
                    zone_only_changed: >-
                      {{ zone_only and (entered_zones|length > 0 and not
                      last_zones|length) }}
                    entered_zones_changed: >-
                      {{ zones|length > 0 and (zones|select('in',
                      entered_zones)|list|length > 0 and not zones|select('in',
                      last_zones)|list|length) }}
                    state_true: >-
                      {{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter
                    sub_label: '{{ event[''after''][''sub_label'']}}'
                    sub_label_changed: '{{ sub_label != event[''before''][''sub_label''] }}'
                    update: >-
                      {{ alert_once or (new_snapshot and not loitering and not
                      presence_changed and not zone_only_changed and not
                      entered_zones_changed and not sub_label_changed) }}
                    title: |
                      {% if sub_label %} 
                        {{title | replace('A Person', sub_label|title) | replace('Person', sub_label|title)}}
                    message: |
                      {% if sub_label %} 
                        {{message | replace('A Person', sub_label|title) | replace('Person', sub_label|title)}}
                - alias: 'Debug: write to Log'
                    - conditions:
                        - '{{debug}}'
                        - service: logbook.log
                            name: Frigate Notification
                            message: |
                              DEBUG (in loop): 
                                  Last Zones: {{last_zones}}, 
                                  Current zones: {{entered_zones}}, 
                                  sublabel: {{sub_label}},
                                  iOS sound: {{update if not critical else 'yes due critical notifications'}}, 
                                  Android Sound: {{'disabled by alert once' if alert_once else 'enabled'}}, 
                                  New Snapshot: {{new_snapshot}}, 
                                  Presence Changed: {{presence_changed}}, 
                                  stationary moved: {{stationary_moved}}, 
                                  entered zones changed: {{entered_zones_changed}}, 
                                  sublabel changed: {{sub_label_changed}}, 
                                  Loitering: {{loitering}}
                                  Presence Entity not home: {{'ON' if presence_entity != '' else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if not home else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  zone filter TEST: {{'ON' if zone_only else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if zone_filter else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  multi-zone filter: {{'OFF' if not zone_only or not zone_multi else 'ON'}} - {{'PASS' if not zone_only or not zone_multi or ( entered_zones|length and zones and zones |reject('in', entered_zones) |list |length == 0 ) else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  state filter TEST: {{'ON' if state_only else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if state_true else 'FAIL'}}

                                  image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{attachment}}.jpg"
                - alias: Notify on loitering or significant change
                    - conditions: >-
                        {{ loitering or (not home and zone_filter and
                        zone_multi_filter and state_true and (new_snapshot or
                        presence_changed or stationary_moved or
                        zone_only_changed or entered_zones_changed or
                        sub_label_changed)) }}
                        - choose:
                            - conditions: '{{ not group_target }}'
                                - device_id: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6
                                  domain: mobile_app
                                  type: notify
                                  title: '{{title}}'
                                  message: '{{message}}'
                                    tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                    group: >-
                                      {{ camera
                                      }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                    color: '{{color}}'
                                    image: >-
                                    clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                    ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                    priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                    alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                    notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                    channel: '{{channel}}'
                                    url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                      url: >-
                                      sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                      interruption-level: >-
                                        {{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                    entity_id: >-
                                      {{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '' )
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: '{{button_1}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: '{{button_2}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                      - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                        title: '{{button_3}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                        destructive: true
                            - conditions: '{{ tv }}'
                                - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                                    title: '{{title}}'
                                    message: '{{message}}'
                                      tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                      group: >-
                                        {{ camera
                                        }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                      color: '{{color}}'
                                      clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                      ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                      priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                      alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                      notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                      channel: '{{channel}}'
                                        url: >-
                                      fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                      position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                      duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                      transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                      interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                      timeout: 30
                                      url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                        url: >-
                                        sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                      interruption-level: >-
                                        {{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                      entity_id: >-
                                        {{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '' )
                                        - action: URI
                                          title: '{{button_1}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                        - action: URI
                                          title: '{{button_2}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                        - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                          title: '{{button_3}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                          destructive: true
                            - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                                title: '{{title}}'
                                message: '{{message}}'
                                  tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                  group: >-
                                    {{ camera
                                    }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                  color: '{{color}}'
                                  image: >-
                                  clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                  ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                  priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                  alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                  notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                  channel: '{{channel}}'
                                  fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                  position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                  duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                  transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                  interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                  url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                    url: >-
                                    sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                    interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                                  entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: '{{button_1}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: '{{button_2}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                    - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                      title: '{{button_3}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                      destructive: true
              until: >-
                {{ not wait.trigger or wait.trigger.payload_json['type'] ==
                'end' }}
id: '1714482324845'
alias: Frigate Notifications
description: ''

Trace timeline:

Triggered manually at April 30, 2024 at 3:25:25 PM
Choose: No action executed
Finished at April 30, 2024 at 3:25:25 PM (runtime: 0.00 seconds)

You can’t trigger it manually.

Also does the camera name match your frigate config? I see it ends in _2 which is usually a sign it doesn’t match unless you named it that way in frigate.

In frigate the camera name is :

You need to remove the _2 at the end in the automation. It has to match