Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Is there something I’m missing for setting the base_url? I have it set to:, but I get “Cannot complete request” in firefox when i click ‘view snapshot’ from the notifcation.

No, copy the link and try it in any browser. Does it work? If not, you have an access issue

Looks like nabu casa was disconnected :man_facepalming:. Thank you!

1 Like

Hi Just tried you Bluebrind. Works god so far but i cant get the Zone Filter Working.
I have 2 Cams with Zones named “Fri-Garten_Zone0” and Fri-Haustuer_Zone0" in the Config.
When i enter the Names in the Blueprint it doesn’t seem to work.

Frigate recognized me in Zone0 but i haven’t received a notification

Please try the beta version if not already and also post the automation config.

i’am at a los. thought maybe the naming of the photo’s was wrong but that was not the still choosing no action.

to bad really wanted this blueprint te work.i’am afraid i have to figure out a different solution to get a notification on my phone and tv

If you click on this it will tell you what condition is true and false.

I removed the _2, but still no notification.

alias: Frigate Notifications
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera
    notify_device: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6xxxx
    message: Un mouvement a été détecté dehors
    attachment: snapshot
    update_thumbnail: false

mode: parallel
  input_camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera
  camera: '{{ input_camera | replace(''camera.'', '''') }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: silence-{{ camera }}
    id: silence
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
    payload: '{{ camera }}/new'
    value_template: >-
      {{ value_json['after']['camera'] | lower | replace('-','_') }}/{{
    id: frigate-event
  input_camera: camera.r4252_smart_outdoor_camera
  camera: '{{ input_camera | replace(''camera.'', '''') }}'
  camera_name: '{{ camera | replace(''_'', '' '') | title }}'
  input_base_url: ''
  base_url: '{{ input_base_url.rstrip(''/'')}}'
  attachment: snapshot
  critical_input: 'false'
  critical: '{{ true if critical_input == ''true'' else false }}'
  alert_once: false
  update_thumbnail: false
  ios_live_view: false
  group: ''
  group_target: '{{ group | lower | replace(''notify.'', '''') | replace('' '',''_'') }}'
  zone_only: false
  input_zones: []
  zones: '{{ input_zones | list | lower }}'
  zone_multi: false
  input_labels: ''
  labels: '{{ input_labels | list | lower }}'
  presence_entity: ''
  disable_times: []
  cooldown: 30
  loitering: false
  loiter_timer: 0
  fps: '{{ states(''sensor.'' + camera + ''_camera_fps'')|int(5) }}'
  state_only: false
  input_entity: ''
  input_states: []
  states_filter: '{{ input_states | list | lower }}'
  color: steelblue
  sound: default
  tv: false
  tv_position: center
  tv_size: large
  tv_duration: 10
  tv_transparency: 0%
  tv_interrupt: false
  debug: false
  - choose:
      - alias: Silence New Object Notifications
          - condition: trigger
            id: silence
          - service: automation.turn_off
              entity_id: '{{ this.entity_id }}'
              stop_actions: false
          - delay:
              minutes: 30
          - service: automation.turn_on
              entity_id: '{{ this.entity_id }}'
      - alias: Frigate Event
          - condition: trigger
            id: frigate-event
          - '{{ is_state(this.entity_id, ''on'') }}'
          - >-
            {{ not this.attributes.last_triggered or (now() -
            this.attributes.last_triggered).seconds > cooldown }}
          - >-
            {{ not disable_times|length or not now().hour in
            disable_times|map('int')|list }}
          - variables:
              id: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''id''] }}'
              object: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''label''] }}'
              label: '{{ object | title }}'
              initial_home: >-
                {{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home')
              initial_entered_zones: '{{ trigger.payload_json[''after''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
              zone_multi_filter: >-
                {{zone_only and zone_multi and initial_entered_zones|length and
                zones and zones |reject('in', initial_entered_zones) |list
                |length == 0 }}
              title: ''
              message: Un mouvement a été détecté dehors
              tap_action: >-
              button_1: View Clip
              button_2: View Snapshot
              button_3: Silence New Notifications
              url_1: >-
              url_2: '{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg'
              url_3: silence-{{ camera }}
              icon: mdi:home-assistant
              channel: ''
          - alias: 'Debug: write to Log'
              - conditions:
                  - '{{debug}}'
                  - service: logbook.log
                      name: Frigate Notification
                      message: |
                            fps: {{fps}}, 
                            frigate event id: {{id}}, 
                            object (formatted): {{object}} ({{label}}),
                            camera(formatted): {{camera}}({{camera_name}}), 
                            Base URL: {{base_url}}, 
                            critical: {{critical}}, 
                            alert once: {{alert_once}}, 
                            Update Thumbnails: {{update_thumbnail}}, 
                            Target: {{'group (input/formatted): ' + group + '/' + group_target + ', ' if group else 'Mobile Device'}}
                            cooldown: {{cooldown}}s, 
                            loiter timer: {{loiter_timer}}s,
                            color: {{color}}, 
                            sound: {{sound}},
                            Title: {{title}}, 
                            Message: {{message}},
                            tap_action: {{tap_action}}, 
                            button 1 Text/URL: {{iif(button_1, button_1, 'unset')}} ({{url_1}}), 
                            button 2 Text/URL: {{button_2}} ({{url_2}}), 
                            button 3 Text/URL: {{button_3}} ({{url_3}}), 
                            icon: {{icon}}
                            tv: {{tv}}, 
                            tv_position: {{tv_position}}, 
                            tv_size: {{tv_size}}, 
                            tv_duration: {{tv_duration}}, 
                            tv_transparency: {{tv_transparency}}, 
                            tv_interrupt: {{tv_interrupt}}, 
                              zone filter toggle on: {{zone_only}}, 
                              Multi Zone toggle on: {{zone_multi}}, 
                              Required zones: {{input_zones}}, 
                              Entered Zones: {{initial_entered_zones}}, 
                              Zone Filter TEST: {{'PASS (Multi)' if zone_multi_filter else 'PASS' if ( not zone_only or not zone_multi and zones|select('in', initial_entered_zones)|list|length ) else 'FAIL (Multi)' if zone_multi else 'FAIL' }}, 
                            Required objects TEST: 
                              Input: {{input_labels}}, 
                              TEST: {{'PASS' if not labels|length or object in labels else 'FAIL'}}
                            presence entity (not home):
                              Entity: {{presence_entity}}
                              TEST:  {{'PASS' if not initial_home else 'FAIL'}}, 
                            disabled times: {{disable_times}}, 
                            State Filter: 
                              state filter toggle on: {{state_only}}, 
                              state filter entity: {{input_entity}}, 
                              required states: {{input_states}}, 
                              State Filter TEST: {{'PASS' if not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter else 'FAIL' }},
          - alias: Notifications enabled for object label
            condition: template
            value_template: '{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}'
          - alias: Notify on new object
              - conditions:
                  - >-
                    {{ not zone_only or (not zone_multi and zones|select('in',
                    initial_entered_zones)|list|length > 0) or (zone_multi and
                    initial_entered_zones|length > 0 and zones |reject('in',
                    initial_entered_zones) |list |length == 0) }}
                  - '{{ not initial_home }}'
                  - >-
                    {{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter
                  - choose:
                      - conditions: '{{ not group_target }}'
                          - device_id: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6xxxx
                            domain: mobile_app
                            type: notify
                            title: '{{title}}'
                            message: '{{message}}'
                              tag: '{{ id }}'
                              group: '{{ camera }}-frigate-notification'
                              color: '{{color}}'
                              image: >-
                              clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                              ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                              priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                              notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                              channel: '{{channel}}'
                              url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                url: >-
                                sound: '{{sound}}'
                                interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                              entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                - action: URI
                                  title: '{{button_1}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                - action: URI
                                  title: '{{button_2}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                  title: '{{button_3}}'
                                  uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                  destructive: true
                      - conditions: '{{ tv }}'
                          - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                              title: '{{title}}'
                              message: '{{message}}'
                                tag: '{{ id }}'
                                group: '{{ camera }}-frigate-notification'
                                color: '{{color}}'
                                clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                channel: '{{channel}}'
                                  url: >-
                                fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                timeout: 30
                                url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                  url: >-
                                  sound: '{{sound}}'
                                interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                                entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                  - action: URI
                                    title: '{{button_1}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                  - action: URI
                                    title: '{{button_2}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                  - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                    title: '{{button_3}}'
                                    uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                    destructive: true
                      - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                          title: '{{title}}'
                          message: '{{message}}'
                            tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                            group: >-
                              {{ camera }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                            color: '{{color}}'
                            image: >-
                            clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                            ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                            priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                            notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                            channel: '{{channel}}'
                            fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                            position: '{{tv_position}}'
                            duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                            transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                            interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                            url: '{{tap_action}}'
                              url: >-
                              sound: '{{sound}}'
                              interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                            entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                              - action: URI
                                title: '{{button_1}}'
                                uri: '{{url_1}}'
                              - action: URI
                                title: '{{button_2}}'
                                uri: '{{url_2}}'
                              - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                title: '{{button_3}}'
                                uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                destructive: true
          - repeat:
                - wait_for_trigger:
                    - platform: mqtt
                      topic: frigate/events
                      payload: '{{ id }}'
                      value_template: '{{ value_json[''after''][''id''] }}'
                    minutes: 2
                  continue_on_timeout: false
                - variables:
                    event: '{{ wait.trigger.payload_json }}'
                    loitering: >-
                      {{ loiter_timer and
                      event['before']['motionless_count']/fps/60 < loiter_timer
                      and event['after']['motionless_count']/fps/60 >=
                      loiter_timer }}
                    new_snapshot: >-
                      {{ update_thumbnail and event['before']['snapshot_time']
                      != event['after']['snapshot_time'] }}
                    home: >-
                      {{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity,
                      'home') }}
                    presence_changed: >-
                      {{ presence_entity != '' and
                      as_datetime(event['before']['frame_time']) <
                      states[presence_entity].last_changed }}
                    last_zones: '{{ event[''before''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
                    entered_zones: '{{ event[''after''][''entered_zones''] |lower}}'
                    zone_filter: >-
                      {{ not zone_only or zones|select('in',
                      entered_zones)|list|length > 0 }}
                    zone_multi_filter: >-
                      {{not zone_only or not zone_multi or (
                      entered_zones|list|length > 0 and zones and
                      zones|reject('in', entered_zones)|list|length == 0 ) }}
                    stationary_moved: >-
                      {{ event['after']['position_changes'] >
                      event['before']['position_changes'] }}
                    zone_only_changed: >-
                      {{ zone_only and (entered_zones|length > 0 and not
                      last_zones|length) }}
                    entered_zones_changed: >-
                      {{ zones|length > 0 and (zones|select('in',
                      entered_zones)|list|length > 0 and not zones|select('in',
                      last_zones)|list|length) }}
                    state_true: >-
                      {{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter
                    sub_label: '{{ event[''after''][''sub_label'']}}'
                    sub_label_changed: '{{ sub_label != event[''before''][''sub_label''] }}'
                    update: >-
                      {{ alert_once or (new_snapshot and not loitering and not
                      presence_changed and not zone_only_changed and not
                      entered_zones_changed and not sub_label_changed) }}
                    title: |
                      {% if sub_label %} 
                        {{title | replace('A Person', sub_label|title) | replace('Person', sub_label|title)}}
                    message: |
                      {% if sub_label %} 
                        {{message | replace('A Person', sub_label|title) | replace('Person', sub_label|title)}}
                - alias: 'Debug: write to Log'
                    - conditions:
                        - '{{debug}}'
                        - service: logbook.log
                            name: Frigate Notification
                            message: |
                              DEBUG (in loop): 
                                  Last Zones: {{last_zones}}, 
                                  Current zones: {{entered_zones}}, 
                                  sublabel: {{sub_label}},
                                  iOS sound: {{update if not critical else 'yes due critical notifications'}}, 
                                  Android Sound: {{'disabled by alert once' if alert_once else 'enabled'}}, 
                                  New Snapshot: {{new_snapshot}}, 
                                  Presence Changed: {{presence_changed}}, 
                                  stationary moved: {{stationary_moved}}, 
                                  entered zones changed: {{entered_zones_changed}}, 
                                  sublabel changed: {{sub_label_changed}}, 
                                  Loitering: {{loitering}}
                                  Presence Entity not home: {{'ON' if presence_entity != '' else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if not home else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  zone filter TEST: {{'ON' if zone_only else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if zone_filter else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  multi-zone filter: {{'OFF' if not zone_only or not zone_multi else 'ON'}} - {{'PASS' if not zone_only or not zone_multi or ( entered_zones|length and zones and zones |reject('in', entered_zones) |list |length == 0 ) else 'FAIL'}}, 
                                  state filter TEST: {{'ON' if state_only else 'OFF'}} - {{'PASS' if state_true else 'FAIL'}}

                                  image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{attachment}}.jpg"
                - alias: Notify on loitering or significant change
                    - conditions: >-
                        {{ loitering or (not home and zone_filter and
                        zone_multi_filter and state_true and (new_snapshot or
                        presence_changed or stationary_moved or
                        zone_only_changed or entered_zones_changed or
                        sub_label_changed)) }}
                        - choose:
                            - conditions: '{{ not group_target }}'
                                - device_id: 1336b603037d01a61d6de3e445a6xxxx
                                  domain: mobile_app
                                  type: notify
                                  title: '{{title}}'
                                  message: '{{message}}'
                                    tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                    group: >-
                                      {{ camera
                                      }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                    color: '{{color}}'
                                    image: >-
                                    clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                    ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                    priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                    alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                    notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                    channel: '{{channel}}'
                                    url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                      url: >-
                                      sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                      interruption-level: >-
                                        {{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                    entity_id: >-
                                      {{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '' )
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: '{{button_1}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: '{{button_2}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                      - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                        title: '{{button_3}}'
                                        uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                        destructive: true
                            - conditions: '{{ tv }}'
                                - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                                    title: '{{title}}'
                                    message: '{{message}}'
                                      tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                      group: >-
                                        {{ camera
                                        }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                      color: '{{color}}'
                                      clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                      ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                      priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                      alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                      notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                      channel: '{{channel}}'
                                        url: >-
                                      fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                      position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                      duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                      transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                      interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                      timeout: 30
                                      url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                        url: >-
                                        sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                      interruption-level: >-
                                        {{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                      entity_id: >-
                                        {{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '' )
                                        - action: URI
                                          title: '{{button_1}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                        - action: URI
                                          title: '{{button_2}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                        - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                          title: '{{button_3}}'
                                          uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                          destructive: true
                            - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                                title: '{{title}}'
                                message: '{{message}}'
                                  tag: '{{ id }}{{''-loitering'' if loitering}}'
                                  group: >-
                                    {{ camera
                                    }}-frigate-notification{{'-loitering' if
                                  color: '{{color}}'
                                  image: >-
                                  clickAction: '{{tap_action}}'
                                  ttl: '{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}'
                                  priority: '{{ iif(critical, ''high'', ''normal'') }}'
                                  alert_once: '{{ alert_once }}'
                                  notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
                                  channel: '{{channel}}'
                                  fontsize: '{{tv_size}}'
                                  position: '{{tv_position}}'
                                  duration: '{{tv_duration}}'
                                  transparency: '{{tv_transparency}}'
                                  interrupt: '{{tv_interrupt}}'
                                  url: '{{tap_action}}'
                                    url: >-
                                    sound: '{{ iif(update, ''none'', sound) }}'
                                    interruption-level: '{{ iif(critical, ''critical'', ''active'') }}'
                                  entity_id: '{{ iif(ios_live_view, input_camera, '''' ) }}'
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: '{{button_1}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_1}}'
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: '{{button_2}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_2}}'
                                    - action: '{{ ''URI'' if ''/'' in url_3 else url_3 }}'
                                      title: '{{button_3}}'
                                      uri: '{{url_3}}'
                                      destructive: true
              until: >-
                {{ not wait.trigger or wait.trigger.payload_json['type'] ==
                'end' }}
id: '1714482324845'
alias: Frigate Notifications
description: ''

You triggered it manually. It won’t work. You need to send a fake Mqtt message or just walk out in front of the camera

Hmm strange my trace looks different then yours

I walk, but nothing it’s triggered.
I think cause may be from mqtt, here my frigate config:

## Connection à MQTT ##
  enabled: false

#  dummy_camera: # <--- this will be changed to your actual camera later
#    enabled: False
#    ffmpeg:
#      inputs:
#        - path: rtsp://
#          roles:
#            - detect
# /config/frigate.yaml

## Choix des caméras ##
    - echo:bash /config/custom_components/expose_camera_stream_source/

## Liste des caméras avec leurs adresses de connection ##
      - path: rtsp://
        input_args: preset-rtsp-restream-low-latency
        - detect
#    motion: ## Création des zones à ignorer ##
#      mask:
#        - 0,461,3,0,1919,0,1919,843,1699,492,1344,458,1346,336,973,317,869,375,866,432
## Choix des options de détection et d'enregistrement ##
      - 262,0,259,36,32,38,31,0
  enabled: true
    days: 7
    mode: motion
      default: 30
#      mode: motion ## Conserve les vidéos avec mouvements seulement ##
      mode: active_objects ## Conserve les vidéos avec détection d'objets ##
        dog: 2 ## Durée de conservation par objets ##
        cat: 2
        person: 7
#  stationary:
    # Optional: Frequency for confirming stationary objects (default: same as threshold)
    # When set to 1, object detection will run to confirm the object still exists on every frame.
    # If set to 10, object detection will run to confirm the object still exists on every 10th frame.
#    interval: 50
    # Optional: Number of frames without a position change for an object to be considered stationary (default: 10x the frame rate or 10s)
#    threshold: 50
    # Optional: Define a maximum number of frames for tracking a stationary object (default: not set, track forever)
    # This can help with false positives for objects that should only be stationary for a limited amount of time.
    # It can also be used to disable stationary object tracking. For example, you may want to set a value for person, but leave
    # car at the default.
    # WARNING: Setting these values overrides default behavior and disables stationary object tracking.
    #          There are very few situations where you would want it disabled. It is NOT recommended to
    #          copy these values from the example config into your config unless you know they are needed.

# Optional: Object configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
  # Optional: list of objects to track from labelmap.txt (default: shown below)
  - person
  - dog
  - cat
  # Optional: mask to prevent all object types from being detected in certain areas (default: no mask)
  # Checks based on the bottom center of the bounding box of the object.
  # NOTE: This mask is COMBINED with the object type specific mask below
  # mask: 0,0,1000,0,1000,200,0,200
  # Optional: filters to reduce false positives for specific object types
#  filters:
#    person:
      # Optional: minimum width*height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 0)
#      min_area: 5000
      # Optional: maximum width*height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 24000000)
#      max_area: 100000
      # Optional: minimum width/height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 0)
#      min_ratio: 0.5
      # Optional: maximum width/height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 24000000)
#      max_ratio: 2.0
      # Optional: minimum score for the object to initiate tracking (default: shown below)
#      min_score: 0.5
      # Optional: minimum decimal percentage for tracked object's computed score to be considered a true positive (default: shown below)
#      threshold: 0.7
      # Optional: mask to prevent this object type from being detected in certain areas (default: no mask)
      # Checks based on the bottom center of the bounding box of the object
#      mask: 0,0,1000,0,1000,200,0,200

  enabled: true

I’ve events from Frigate

Mine was the beta, but you still have the box in the middle of step 3, just below where it goes to the right.

Ahh yeah, this is an issue.

At the moment iam not behind my pc. But i think you mean this

Yes, that says the very first check failed. It was not triggered by a frigate Mqtt event. So how was it triggered? Did you trigger it manually?1

No this trigger from walking in front of the camera.
When i listen voor the mqtt on frigate/events i can see al the things that are send and that look good to me.
I turned off al the options.i can show my config of frigate when i get home,maybe i need to change something there.

Are you sure every trace is like this? Can you store more traces and check back further?

What I need to set for MQTT conf ? Frigate Configuration | Frigate

The details for your Mqtt broker/server.

1 Like

I add mqtt broker info. But we can’t add like !secret mqtt_user.

Thanks for your help.