Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Thanks for sharing. iOS does seem to give us more trouble but glad that you managed to work something out.

Share your automation config.

how do i update the blueprint? i am on (

Either replace the text file manually or I believe you can download it again and it updates these days, but in truth I’ve not done that. Someone else might be able to confirm

Tick on the dots behind the blueprint and select import blueprint again, it will pull the latest from GitHub.

Is there a way to set up a notification to trigger from an audio detection not an object detection? Trying to set up a baby monitor. I can see in home assistant that the frigate integration sees that crying was detected but wanted to use your blueprint to get the notification to myself and my wife

i get this error when i try to import :frowning:

Invalid parameters given.


Thanks for the Great blueprint!!!

I was having trouble with TTS notices being delayed randomly. Sometimes it would work but other times there would be a huge delay. Also, If I had my media volume down on my phone I would not hear it anyway… I have a Samsung phone S22 and not sure if this is the issue, but I found something that works and maybe it will help someone else. So I unclicked the TTS is this blueprint and added this to custom action auto trigger. Now I get a TTS notice immediately. It by-passes your media volume and will still speak sound when you have your phone on vibrate. So I wrote the IF to check my phone ringer mode and another toggle I created. I am relatively new to HA and this maybe crazy when some you guys see this, but it’s working…
Under Custom Action Auto Trigger.
Call a service…notification to your phone.
In message block.

In data block.

ttl: 0
priority: high
media_stream: alarm_stream
tts_text: A {{label}} in {{camera}}

I’m trying to set up a notification that triggers only when a person moves from Zone A to Zone B. I’ve defined these zones in Frigate and the events seem to be working correctly. Can someone help me implement this logic in this blueprint?

The issue I’m facing is receiving too many alerts. For example, if someone stands at my front door for a few minutes, I get constant notifications. I want to use zones to restrict alerts to instances where a person actually crosses from one zone to another, rather than triggering based on other events within a zone.

This pull request implements the logic

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This blueprint helps a lot and has interesting features. Thanks for that.

Would it be possible to “translate” the labels {{ label }} inside the blueprint/automation? E.g. car = Auto. Because I do this actually inside the frigate configuration, the review label icons are not working as expected (link).

Kind regards,

You can edit most fields including the title and message if that’s what you mean

Thank you! sorry a noob question, how do I merge this to test it in my HA instance?

I mean the {{ label }} inside the notification message. Frigate needs it inside the configuration in English but I would like to have it in German for the notification.
The common method via model: labelmap: 0: Person 1: Fahrrad 2: Auto 3: Motorrad 7: Auto 15: Vogel 16: Katze 17: Hund leads to not working label icons.

Hi all, and thanks to @SgtBatten for this blueprint usefull.

I have two questions :

  • I have this warning :

Template variable warning: ‘update’ is undefined when rendering ‘{{ iif(update, ‘none’, sound) }}’
Template variable warning: ‘update’ is undefined when rendering ‘{{ iif((update or sound == ‘none’), 0, volume) }}’

But I don’t know why. Could you inform me?

  • Is there an other way to stream? Because the one is proposed works just a few minutes (because of the changing token).


Do you have changed them in Frigate?
Because my labels are well in french with this blueprint.

It is a template, so you simply template it.

instead of {{label}} you can say {{ ‘XXX’ if label == ‘Person’ else ‘YYY’ if label == ‘Dog’}} etc. you can do as many as you need.

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I’ve just published a new beta which should fix this

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Yes I changed them in the frigate configuration by using the labelmap. Out of the box there are English and I wanted them in German because of my parents in law.

Hi guys,

Notifications for frigate have stopped the last two days. Running the latest beta HAOS and Frigate (images attached).

Both local and remote access comes up with the same error - “Unknown error”

Other blueprints are imported fine.
