Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Yes, I have read those and frigate doesn’t alert me about parked car, but this automation does.
So how to configure this not sending alert on every detection? It also sends alerts, which is ok.

What version of frigate and what version of the blueprint?
What is the automation config?

Frigate is 0.14beta4, automation

Please just the config from the automations UI.

But how about using the newer blueprint as a test which can be configured to use the new alerts from frigate 0.14

What is the newer blueprint? Beta from the Github?

It’s in a pull request on GitHub currently. HA_blueprints/Frigate Camera Notifications/Beta at 29a89abc1da0ad0fc185fab3f7324dd835b8831c · SgtBatten/HA_blueprints · GitHub

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Ok, thanks for the new version, and the tip of that! I’ll try that first.

What are people using for the Frigate 0.14 beta at the moment? The stable blueprint sends me excess notifications (whilst the event doesn’t exist in Frigate) which isn’t ideal. The open pull request version solves that by using the new review channel so is accurate but has such a delay I’ve normally been inside for at least a minute before the notification comes through.

I’m trying to decide which of those is the best outcome at the moment!

I’m using both for many cams. The delay is known, but i;ve little time to work it out.

The excess notifications on the current stable comes down to your setup.

Oh interesting, what would I be looking at to stop the excess notifications? They’re not being reported as events in Frigate but I suspect it’s still sending them over to HA which triggers the blueprint. If I can solve that I’ll happily stick with the older blueprint.

Post your current blueprint config. and what are you being notified about?

Sometimes it’ll be an empty notification without an image, sometimes it’ll be something like the BBQ has been detected as person BUT that hasn’t been deemed an event in Frigate which is explained here.

alias: Duo 2 Frigate notifications (Garden)
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.duo_two
    notify_device: 6160fc6737a2be2b5fc05e6e833b0ccb
    title: Garden
    message: "{{ label }} detected - {{ camera_name }}"
    critical: "true"
    alert_once: true
    attachment: snapshot.jpg?bbox=1
    icon: >-
      mdi:{{'account-outline' if label == 'Person' else 'dog' if label == 'Dog'
      else 'cat' if label == 'Cat' else 'car' if label == 'Car' else
    zone_filter: true
      - person
    tap_action: app://com.mcu.reolink
    url_2: >-
      | lower | replace('-','_')}}?token={{state_attr( 'camera.' ~ camera,
    button_2: View Stream
      - garden_side
    notify_group: mobile_devices
    state_filter: true
    state_entity: binary_sensor.back_door_lock_contact
      - "off"
    channel: alarm_stream
    update_thumbnail: true
    video: ""
    android_auto: true

That topic seems to explain what is going on. You could configure frigate to require certain amount of pixels or lots of things really ot avoid the bbq.

I had an issue with prams parked in my carport for a long time, setting of alarms and all that overnight. My solution was to stop parking prams outside in the end.

By th esound of it you want the reviews functionality which is more 1:1 but the delay is holding you back. I;d love to fix it, so the more people using it the better.

Do you have any leads or ideas what it could be? I will take a look at the PR and see if anything catches my eye, I am using the /review topic in my own automation without any delay

I might just completely misunderstand Frigate setup as it’s a bit complex at times but I do find it a bit odd that ultimately Frigate has decided that it’s not worthy of recording as an event (based on my frigate pixel params and confidence settings) but fires it off as an event to HA anyway. I rarely see a false positive on the Frigate events pages.

Yeah I think I definitely do want the reviews functionality but that delay is a killer! Fingers crossed you get a chance soon, thanks!

Hey that would be bloody awesome of you.

I really have not had time to explore the why yet which i do apologise to everyone for. I’ll bet it’s simple

would be good to know your blueprint config and perhaps see some traces


This is driving me nuts. I’ve upgraded frigate from version 12 to 13 and I lost my notifications. Decided it was time to upgrade my HA pc and upgraded to 14 Beta, but still cannot get notifications working to my android phone for the life of me. I have events showing up in mqtt explorer (which I believe this works). But notifications are not. Note I have migrated from a docker install to a hard metal machine. Hoping I don’t have to start from scratch.

has anyone who has the ios no attachment issue been able to solved it? I went from. full working setup to now where I get notifications reliably but they have no attachment and no action buttons. Basically, when you press and hold, nothing happens. Just seems to have stopped for no clear reason.

Have tried most things - and MQTT is passing snapshots fine - when I grab the URI path and paste it into a browser, the snap shot appears instantly.

Any advice?

I managed to get it working but needed to fully delete the companion app and remove it from the config - then re-add