Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Okay, I’m not sure if this has been discussed before but I have a few zones defined in my back_yard camera and the back_yard_zone_grass and back_yard_zone_garden are the only ones I want to trigger the notification. So, I enabled the toggle and defined the two zones. However, when I walk outside to attempt a trigger, I think Frigate is sending an alert on an unrelated zone and because it’s not one of my grass/garden zones… the blueprint trace shows that the choose options are completely bypassed. :frowning:

I tried going into Frigate and enabling Alerts and Detections on only the grass and garden zones but it still doesn’t work! How can I only send alerts to my phone if objects enter only the grass or garden zones?

It depends on which version of the blueprint you are using.

I assume you simply downloaded the stable or beta version which are not governed by those alert settings. However the event does cause the blueprint to loop so unless you have other restrictions including update thumbnail disabled you should eventually receive a notification when the conditions are met.

If you move to the version being worked on in this pull request it does get governed by the alerts and detections settings new to frigate 0.14. so most of the config is done in frigate rather than the blueprint.


That worked! Thanks for the quick response. I noticed with the Stable version and now with the PR version that every time I click the View Snapshot link on my phone (Android) it comes up with just an all black screen. Is there something I need to change on my configuration to make that work correctly? The video works fine. :thinking:

What url is opening? Does it work on your computer if you copy it there?

Maybe just share your config too

Wait! never mind, as it turns out I needed to just pan around on the black and the picture was below. For some reason it doesn’t fit the screen, it has large black borders and all I see when clicking “View Snapshot” is black BUT if I swipe up to pan down on the image I can see it below!

I don’t know if it’s possible but it’d be nice if the image was a fit and you could pinch-zoom on it. The Snapshot image seems to be completely static and 1x. Anyway, this is pretty awesome.

Oh, I didn’t understand what you were saying. Linking to the beta for the Frigate 0.14 version is what I needed, thanks. Yeah, there is no reason for Frigate 0.14 to work at all with the currently released stable version nor the linked version for the beta on the main page as both still use frigate/events, which is now gone. Let me know if I misunderstood, but I imagine this one will work better. Thanks!

Frigate/events is not gone. Reviews is just new in 0.14

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Hello, thank you for the blueprint its great!

Just i want to ask some question.

I am using nabucasa and i have IOS devices. On the external url do i use the nabucasa link for remote access?

And the second question is when i use for the attachment “Snapshot with boudingbox” or Snapshot croped or Snapshot cropped with bounding box option i get 404 errors.


Personal preference. Your issue is access. Check the integration settings.

Do you mean those settings?

Yep, looks good

With those settings the problem remain.

@SgtBatten I’ve been playing with the PR version of the blueprint, it does seem to follow how I have my Frigate 0.14 configured. However, I’m curious if you know of a way to have Frigate be more aggressive than the blueprint. I have a sidewalk in front of my house on a sidewalk zone and I have a separate zone in my driveway. Previously, (with hunterjm’s blueprint) Frigate would capture all the clips of people walking along the sidewalk and store those but I would only get a notification via the blueprint if someone walked into my driveway. With this latest change, I had to align the Frigate alert system with my notification scheme so I don’t get any Frigate stored clips of the sidewalk anymore. It’s not a huge loss because I don’t need videos of randoms walking along but it was a “nice to have” just in case I wanted to review the activity…

Anyway, just curious of your thoughts on this. If it’s possible, I’d like to set up my array this way.

Thank you for an awesome blueprint!

Hi all.
Im having problems tring to import this bluwprint.
Whenever I try I get: Unknow Error
Any idea ?

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Manually enter the url or copy the text manually.

Lots of people reporting it, HA must have changed something as I have not. It works fine for me but I’m several versions behind on updates

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It’s not an issue with the blueprint. It’s something to do with your ability to access the frigate API or your home assistant url

You need to set the ones you want as required zones for alerts in frigate. Then it will still get recorded as a detection for viewing in frigate but not notified via the BP.

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I have same problem, it give me this error when i try Manually enter the url or copy the text manually.


question the lastest verion is Frigate Notifications ( ? or Frigate Notifications ( ?

Thank you

This totally works! Thank you very much!!

Hi team,

I am having trouble with duplicate and also delayed notifications when an object is recognized.

I assume it is a setting I need to change - do you have any idea/can give me a good hint? :slight_smile:

alias: Frigate - Einfahrt (Alert)
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Beta-0_12_0_4h.yaml
    camera: camera.einfahrt
    notify_device: f31580477d9b9cbf360c4117facdf3bb
    alert_once: true
    attachment: snapshot.jpg?bbox=1
    update_thumbnail: true
    base_url: https://...
    button_1: Live View
    tap_action: /ccab4aaf_frigate-proxy/dashboard
    url_1: >-
      | lower | replace('-','_')}}?token={{state_attr( 'camera.' ~ camera,      
    button_2: View Clip
    url_2: >-
    critical: >-
      {{'false' if now().hour in [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]
      else 'true'}}