Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

I’m having issues with notifications that are from 15-30min or longer ago. I get a 403 response when opening the snapshot or clip from an android (s22+) phone. The links work properly if I open them quickly after they happen. Any ideas on what could be going wrong? I’m assuming at some point the token or path to the files are changing but not sure where to start looking to fix.

So I haven’t used this in a while because I moved. I think I have everything updated for .14. When I get a notification, the thumbnail works, but the video won’t load. Is there anything basic that I may be missing?

I’m sorry, I know that’s not super detailed, but everything is a fresh install, so I could have skipped something obvious.

That URL is not right, you need just the github link to the desired version

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Check the traces, there shouldnt be any duplicate notifications for an ongoing event in the 0.14 pull request (which you appear to be using). a 10 second delay is commonly reported, havent looked into it yet

Which video? how are you trying to view/access it

Not really, the clip and snapshot are typically always available until deleted in frigate because the links are static.

The only one that expires in most peoples default setup is the live stream.

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Thank you for your fast reply :slight_smile: Let me rephrase it, I see multiple notifications after each other while it is “one” detection.

I thought I adjusted the atuomation, but maybe you can hint me to the right place to adjust it please? :slight_smile:

The updates should be replacing the original one, not new. Unless something has been altered in the blueprint regarding the channel or group.

You can set alert once to true to mute updates

These are my settings, alert once is activated:

alias: Frigate - Eingang (Alert)
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Beta-0_12_0_4h.yaml
    camera: camera.eingang
    notify_device: f31580477d9b9cbf360c4117facdf3bb
    alert_once: true
    attachment: snapshot.jpg?bbox=1
    update_thumbnail: true
    base_url: ...
    button_1: Live View
    tap_action: /ccab4aaf_frigate-proxy/dashboard
    url_1: >-
      | lower | replace('-','_')}}?token={{state_attr( 'camera.' ~ camera,      
    button_2: View Clip
    url_2: >-
    critical: >-
      {{'false' if now().hour in [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]
      else 'true'}}

Blueprint I use that one:

Hey all just wanted to share my setup to get this blueprint working with signal messenger notifications.

Using this blueprint, I did the following:

  1. Make sure you have signal notify service setup and tested to make sure it sends notifications. I have a group chat with myself called “Frigate” in signal messenger, and the group ID of that chat (look up signal-cli on github for docs) is what I send my messages to. My config.yaml looks like this
  - name: signal
    platform: signal_messenger
    url: "http://ip:port" # the URL/IP:PORT (if local) where the Signal Messenger REST API is listening (docker service for me)
    number: "+COUNTRYCODE PHONENUMBER" # the sender number
      - "group.XXXXX" # The group chat ID or recipient phone # (with country code)
  1. Edit configuration.yaml to and add (RESTART AFTER YOU DO THIS)
    - "http://IP:PORT" # Replace with home assistant ip:port OR URL
  1. During blueprint setup
    a. When you are creating your automation blueprint, add that same http://IP:PORT or URL under Base URL (Optional) field
    b. Under blueprint Custom Action (Auto Trigger) field add this
    c. Under the blueprint Attachment field, I select snapshot as it gives me a high res version of the photo in Signal.
action: notify.signal # (or whatever you named signal service in config.yaml)
metadata: {}
  title: "{{title}}"
  message: "{{message}}"
    verify_ssl: false
      - >-

Do this for each camera. Cheers!

Edit: I am investigating how to get a video into the message vs just a photo. I know that


is the path, but the trace back on the automation gets an error. I need to see if the clip is under the 50mb limit for signal attachments (according to API docs)


When I would click View Clip it wouldn’t load. But of course now it is. So I think its somehow fixed. Thanks!

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Thank you it import it now but no notification

@SgtBatten Would be great if you could implement collapsable options. The top half is very text heavy, and the options can be quite overwhelming when not in use.


The version you are using doesn’t have a looping function and only triggers on new events so I don’t understand how you are getting multiple right now

Already implementing them, pull request is in place


Start with a simple automation. It just needs a frigate camera to match the entity selected and an event to happen. Mqtt needs to be configured in order to see the event in HA

Have the Beta in use. However, it only shows me a snapshot or thumbnail after clicking on the push message. Previously, one was always included in the message. Is that how it is?

IOS Device

Can you compare with the beta or sta ke version if it is different .

I think every device and screen size does stuff differently.

I haven’t really played with any of that stuff for the 0.14 release, it’s just been about converting tit he reviews topic for now. I’m still getting them on android for example.

with it woks…but not with


I’ll try to remember to compare the two.

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