Frigate Mobile App Notifications

Thanks Chris. I confirmed today that the mute/silence button also doesn’t work :(. Neither do the view clip / view live buttons but I think that’s a known issue.

I have looked at the code but I’m too stupid to help ha. If I have any joy at all I’ll post here of course.

Hello. Thanks for your work. I am using frigate beta 0.11 and I can’t play videos when I click on the notification. Sometimes I just experience a blank black windows and sometimes I receive the error “can’t create clip from recordings”

This is what I have done and what I am having issues with. When the automation turns back on I get the notification that I wanted to miss minutes early.

For example,
2:55:04 - garage door open
2:55:04 - automation notification turned off
I drive out of the driveway
2:55:52 - my vehicle is detected
2:57:06 - automation notification turns back on
2:57:26 - automation notification is triggered and I get a notification of my car (from 2:55:52) being in the driveway

Any ideas please?

@hunterjm Can you provide a little more details on this? I have my HA currently behind NginxProxyManager with my own domain - I would like to be able to use live previews instead of opening the HA app.

In Nginx Proxy Manager, just create a and configure it the same way you have Then put as the base url in the blueprint.

Obviously will need to create the DNS record for as well… will also have to be added to ha config to be authenticated?

What’s the upside go having a domain media… What does it point to?

I am hoping that it will enable live previews without opening the HA app.

No. You don’t add it to HA at all. The problem is the iOS app tries to be “helpful” by opening configured Ha external domain in the app instead of the browser.

@arsaboo replied to an answer I gave to this issue, which that solves: Frigate Mobile App Notifications - #101 by i7iceguy

Cant even get my cams to work with 0.11beta…
Did you build 0.11 yourself?

@hunterjm have you got any ideas for this one please?

Thanks again

I would have to try and reproduce/debug which unfortunately I don’t have the time to do right now.

I have frigate 0.10.1 and i can’t import this project, says Unknow Error

How can i do that?


I have the same issue here.

Same issue here, import not wokring. Have manual imported blueprint.

“Fix importing blueprints” is listed in 2022.5.1 update :slight_smile:

Import is working after new update to 2022.5.2

Chris, I’m hoping you’ve had some luck with resolving this. I seem to be having the same issue. I deleted all my automations, deleted the blueprint and tried from scratch. Still the same unfortunately.

I have an issue with viewing the clips or snapshots from Android notifications. I always get 404: Not Found