Frigate Mobile App Notifications

Ive never had the problem but curious where that setting is now as I can’t see the word general anywhere

In the Companion App on my iPhone it’s Settings > Companion App > General > Radio button for “Remember last page” :+1:

Just wondering I’m using the v10 blueprint and somtimes when I 3D touch the notification I can see the video / clip loading on the expanded notification. It only works sometimes any hints how I can get the behaviour to work all the time?


Hello, I am running HAOS on a rasperry pi with frigate proxy to a seperate machine running frigate. I have the notifications working, but the snapshot and clips 404. I have seen a couple of posts about “Enable the unauthenticated notification event proxy” and even a couple of screenshots of the setting, but I can’t find it anywhere. Could someone point me in the right direction?

ive had the same issue, just getting thumbnail not found errors. I have been unable to find a solution to fix yet

Hello @hunterjm - I have Frigate 0.11 Beta running and have your blueprint imported. I created the automation but I’m getting the following error:

Stopped because of unknown reason “null” at August 23, 2022, 9:38:38 AM (runtime: 0.01 seconds)

The camera is working as is Frigate FA.

Any ideas?


You need to first enable “Advanced Mode” for your user in Home Assistant.
For that go to the profile Home Assistant user (bottom left in the web UI) and there you can enable “Advanced Mode”.

Then you should see and be able to enable the “unauthenticated notification event proxy” option the settings of the Frigate integration.

Also, if you get 404 errors for clips and snapshots, make sure that you enabled recordings and snapshots under your camera in the Frigate configuration.

enabled: True
enabled: True

In case it’s more helpful to see the whole story, I try to document how to setup Frigate notifications here: The Ultimate Guide to Frigate NVR Notifications · Simplepush

Great blueprint, is there anyway to ad an option where blueprint checks if specific entity is true? For example I want notifications only if “Allow notifications” helper entity I created is true within HA.

I have modified mine to have an extra field which i called state filter. You can turn it on or off and it allows you to select an entity and set what state it must be in and the blueprint only sends notifications when true. It wasn’t too difficult.

I use it for only sending notifications if my front door is locked, because i kept getting notifications about myself going in and out of the house.

Once you use this updated one you can set the state filter to on, set the entity to the name of your input entity and set the states to - true.

  name: Frigate Notification Improved
    "## Frigate Mobile App Notification\n\nThis blueprint will send a notification
    to your device when a Frigate event for the selected camera is fired. The notification
    will initially include the thumbnail of the detection, but include an actionable
    notification allowing you to view the clip and snapshot.\n\nWith this blueprint,
    you may send the notification to multiple devices by leaving \"Device\" blank
    and instead use a [notification group][1].\n\n### Software Version Requirements\nMinimum
    Home Assistant Version: 2022.2\nMinimum Frigate Version: 0.10.0 Beta 10\nMinimum
    Frigate Integration Version: 2.2.0\nMinimum iOS Version: 15.0\n\n### Required
    entities:\n  - Frigate Camera Name\n  - Mobile App Device **or** the name of a
    Notification Group\n\n### Optional features:\n  - You can optionally send the
    notification as a critical alert.\n  - You can choose whether or not to update
    the notification with new thumbnails as they become available.\n  - You can limit
    notifications to objects entering pre-defined [zones][2] in Frigate.\n  - You
    can specify which [zones][2] to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.):\n
    \   ```yaml\n    - backyard\n    ```\n  - You can specify what type of [objects][3]
    to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.):\n    ```yaml\n    - person\n
    \   - car\n    ```\n  - You can disable notifications if a presence entity or
    group is \"home\".\n  - You can configure a cooldown for the camera to reduce
    the number of notifications when back-to-back events occur.\n  - You can silence
    future notifications for a defined amount of time through actionable notifications.
    This is helpful in situations where you know you will be triggering detections
    for an extended period of time. i.e. kids playing outside.\n  - You can set a
    loitering timer to notify you of stationary objects that remain for a set period
    of time.\n\n[1]:\n[2]:\n[3]:\n"
  domain: automation
      name: Frigate Camera
      description: The name of the camera as defined in your frigate configuration.
      name: Device
        The device must run the official Home Assistant app to receive
      default: false
          integration: mobile_app
          multiple: false
      name: Notification Group
      description: The name of the notification group to call.
      default: ""
      name: (Optional) Base URL
        "The external url for your Home Assistant instance. This will default
        to a relative URL and will open the clips in the app instead of the browser,
        which does not work well on iOS.

      default: ""
      name: (Optional) Critical Notification
      description: Send as a critical notification to the mobile device.
      default: false
        boolean: {}
      name: (Optional) Update Thumbnail
      description: Update notification if a new "better" thumbnail is available.
      default: false
        boolean: {}
      name: (Optional) Zone Filter
      description: Only notify if object has entered a defined zone.
      default: false
        boolean: {}
      name: (Optional) Trigger Zones
      description: A list (-) of zones you wish to recieve notifications for.
      default: []
        object: {}
      name: (Optional) Trigger Objects
      description: A list (-) of objects you wish to recieve notifications for.
      default: []
        object: {}
      name: (Optional) Presence Filter
      description: Only notify if selected presence entity is not "home".
      default: ""
        entity: {}
      name: (Optional) State Filter
      description: Only notify if selected entity is in the below state
      default: false
        boolean: {}
      name: (Optional) Trigger entity
      description: Only notify if selected entity is in the below state.
      default: ""
        entity: {}
      name: (Optional) Trigger States
      description: A list (-) of states that the above entity must be in.
      default: []
        object: {}
      name: (Optional) Cooldown
        Delay before sending another notification for this camera after
        the last event.
      default: 30
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Silence New Object Notifications
        "How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested
        as part of the actionable notification. Note: This only applies to new objects.
        Existing tracked objects \n"
      default: 30
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Loitering Notifications
        "Sends new loitering notification if a stationary object is detected
        for longer than the specified time. 0 is off and will not send notifications.

      default: 0
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
mode: parallel
  camera: !input camera
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: silence-{{ camera }}
    id: silence
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: frigate/events
    payload: "{{ camera }}/new"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['camera'] }}/{{ value_json['type']}}"
    id: frigate-event
  camera: !input camera
  camera_name: "{{ camera | replace('_', ' ') | title }}"
  base_url: !input base_url
  critical: !input critical
  update_thumbnail: !input update_thumbnail
  group_target: !input notify_group
  zone_only: !input zone_filter
  input_zones: !input zones
  zones: "{{ input_zones | list }}"
  input_labels: !input labels
  labels: "{{ input_labels | list }}"
  presence_entity: !input presence_filter
  cooldown: !input cooldown
  loiter_timer: !input loiter_timer
  fps_value: "{{ states('sensor.' + camera + '_camera_fps') }}"
  fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"
  state_only: !input state_filter
  input_entity: !input state_entity
  input_states: !input state_filter_states
  states_filter: "{{ input_states | list }}"
  - choose:
      - alias: Silence New Object Notifications
          - condition: trigger
            id: silence
          - service: automation.turn_off
              entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}"
              stop_actions: false
          - delay:
              minutes: !input silence_timer
          - service: automation.turn_on
              entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}"
      - alias: Frigate Event
          - condition: trigger
            id: frigate-event
          - "{{ is_state(this.entity_id, 'on') }}"
          - "{{ not this.attributes.last_triggered or (now() - this.attributes.last_triggered).seconds
            > cooldown }}"
          - variables:
              id: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['id'] }}"
              object: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] }}"
              label: "{{ object | title }}"
                "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home')
                "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones']
          - alias: Notifications enabled for object label
            condition: template
            value_template: "{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}"
          - alias: Notify on new object
              - conditions:
                  - "{{ not zone_only or initial_entered_zones|length > 0 }}"
                  - "{{ not zones|length or zones|select('in', initial_entered_zones)|list|length
                    > 0 }}"
                  - "{{ not initial_home }}"
                  - "{{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter }}"
                  - choose:
                      - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
                          - device_id: !input notify_device
                            domain: mobile_app
                            type: notify
                            message: A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera.
                              tag: "{{ id }}"
                              group: frigate-notification-{{ camera }}
                              image: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android
                              clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                              ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
                              priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
                              url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                url: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg
                                  "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                - action: URI
                                  title: View Clip
                                  uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                - action: URI
                                  title: View Snapshot
                                  uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
                                - action: silence-{{ camera }}
                                  title: Silence New Notifications
                                  destructive: true
                      - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                          message: A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera.
                            tag: "{{ id }}"
                            group: frigate-notification-{{ camera }}
                            image: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android
                            clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                            ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
                            priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
                            url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                              url: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg
                                "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                              - action: URI
                                title: View Clip
                                uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                              - action: URI
                                title: View Snapshot
                                uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
                              - action: silence-{{ camera }}
                                title: Silence New Notifications
                                destructive: true
          - repeat:
                - wait_for_trigger:
                    - platform: mqtt
                      topic: frigate/events
                      payload: "{{ id }}"
                      value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['id'] }}"
                    minutes: 2
                  continue_on_timeout: false
                - variables:
                    event: "{{ wait.trigger.payload_json }}"
                      "{{ loiter_timer and event['before']['motionless_count']/fps/60
                      < loiter_timer and event['after']['motionless_count']/fps/60 >=
                      loiter_timer }}"
                      "{{ update_thumbnail and event['before']['snapshot_time']
                      != event['after']['snapshot_time'] }}"
                      "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home')
                      "{{ presence_entity != '' and as_datetime(event['before']['frame_time'])
                      < states[presence_entity].last_changed }}"
                    last_zones: "{{ event['before']['entered_zones'] }}"
                    entered_zones: "{{ event['after']['entered_zones'] }}"
                    zone_filter: "{{ not zone_only or entered_zones|length > 0 and zones|select('in', entered_zones)|list|length > 0 }}"
                      "{{ event['after']['position_changes'] > event['before']['position_changes']
                      "{{ zone_only and (entered_zones|length > 0 and not
                      last_zones|length) }}"
                      "{{ zones|length > 0 and (zones|select('in',
                      entered_zones)|list|length > 0 and not zones|select('in', last_zones)|list|length)
                    state_true: "{{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter }}"
                      "{{ new_snapshot and not loitering and not presence_changed and
                      not zone_only_changed and not entered_zones_changed}}"
                - alias: Notify on loitering or significant change
                    - conditions:
                        - "{{ loitering or (not home and zone_filter and state_true and (new_snapshot or presence_changed or stationary_moved or zone_only_changed or entered_zones_changed )) }}"
                        - choose:
                            - conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
                                - device_id: !input notify_device
                                  domain: mobile_app
                                  type: notify
                                    A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was
                                    detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera.
                                    tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
                                    group: frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}
                                    image: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android
                                    clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                    ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
                                    priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
                                    url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                      url: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg
                                    sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}"
                                        "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: View Clip
                                        uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                      - action: URI
                                        title: View Snapshot
                                        uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
                                      - action: silence-{{ camera }}
                                        title: Silence New Notifications
                                        destructive: true
                            - service: notify.{{ group_target }}
                                  A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was
                                  detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera.
                                  tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
                                  group: frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}
                                  image: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android
                                  clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                  ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
                                  priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
                                  url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                    url: /api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg
                                  sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}"
                                      "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active')
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: View Clip
                                      uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
                                    - action: URI
                                      title: View Snapshot
                                      uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
                                    - action: silence-{{ camera }}
                                      title: Silence New Notifications
                                      destructive: true
                "{{ not wait.trigger or wait.trigger.payload_json['type'] == 'end'

I think that this is what I need, but I’m not sure. I want the notifications active when my alarm system is either armed_stay or armed_away (that is, if we are sleeping or if we’re not at home). Will this work for me then? Is the state filter using AND or OR?

Yes it will work for you.

I set it up so you have one entity and any number of acceptable states but my use case is only a single state so far so if you find it not working, please let me know.

The states field would be like

- armed_away
- armed_stay
1 Like

So the blueprint seemed to be working great for like a week but now idk what’s going on, the automations for the notifications say they’re firing, but I actually get the notification sent to my notification group like maybe half the time

Out of the 3 automation that says they fired here, only one notification was actually sent to our phones, hopefully, someone has a fix for this. Like it says they’re triggering but not receiving them on the phones anymore. @hunterjm

Maybe you were out of notifications for the day? The Home Assistant app only allows for 500 notifications per day.

You could also subscribe to the frigate/events topic with a MQTT client and write all events to a file. This way you could verify that it’s really the sending of the notification that fails.

Ok could you tell me how to subscribe to this so I can test it please?

And no don’t think its the rate limit, based off how many events recorded its no where near the 500 and it doesn’t say anything about rate limit in the logs.

To log the MQTT events it is probably the easiest to install a MQTT client on the machine that runs Home Assistant.
If it is a Debian based Linux, you can just do: sudo apt install mosquitto-clients
Then mosquitto_sub -h host -t frigate/events will subscribe to the Frigate events. Just replace “host” with the hostname of your MQTT server which might be “localhost”.
If you defined a user and password for MQTT, you can provide them like this:
mosquitto_sub -h host -t frigate/events -u user -P password

To log all the events that are happening over a longer time period, I would recommend opening a tmux session or something similar.
In the tmux session you could then pipe the MQTT output into a file:
mosquitto_sub -h host -t frigate/events -u user -P password > frigatelogs.txt

After a while you could come back to the file and check if the Frigate events from MQTT correspond to what HA says. If it does, the problem is somewhere in the blueprint automation.

@timm12 Hi sorry, noob here can you explain in easy terms lol, I am using " Mosquito broker" for MQTT, now like I said all my other notification automations do not have this issue, only this one seems to work like maybe half the time now when before it used to actually send a lot so Idk if maybe something changed accidentally.

Hello - I finally have the integration/add-on loaded and working. I am getting this error when the notification fires:

What does this mean?

Sounds like it could be this: Frigate Mobile App Notifications - #377 by timm12
So make sure to enable the “unauthenticated notification event proxy” option in the settings of the Frigate integration.

Since you already have a MQTT broker installed, all you need to do is to figure out the username and password for it.
Then you can connect to it with an MQTT client (that you have to install on your computer).

However I just realized that there is an easier alternative.
Look at the event summary API endpoint of your Frigate instance.
It’s at http://your-frigate-server:5000/api/events/summary
There you can easily see the number of detections made per day which you then can compare to the notifications received.