Frigate Mobile App Notifications

Have you walked through the automation traces to see where it is exiting? You may need to increase the number of traces that are kept, because the automation will trigger multiple times as events come in, but only move on to the notification once.

Also try setting up the blueprint without any of the additional configuration options. The only thing you need is to select your phone as a device, and type the name of the camera as it appears in your Frigate configuration file. Note that this is NOT the Home Assistant entity ID (i.e. camera.whatever). It is the name in the frigate config file.

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried your second suggestion to use the basic config and it seems to be working. I had to delete the two old automations (which were afaik basic configs with only a camera name and notification device) and start from scratch. So far the notifications are flowing for a single cam. Will see if I can add the others. Many thanks again.

Actually I take back that my non-working automations were basic. I had filter lists -person, etc. Will play around with specifying filters.

YAML lists need spaces: - person

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The dreaded space, more feared than quotes

Thank you very much for the great blueprint! Itā€™s been working flawlessly :slight_smile: Is there a way to make the notifications ā€œcriticalā€ so they bypass a silenced phone? I have some other alarm notifications that are setup that way, but I canā€™t figure out how to implement it into this blueprint.

Thank you again

Iā€™m getting the push notifications to my Android phone but when I go to click and open it, it says ā€œUnable to connect to Home Assistantā€. Iā€™m connecting on the same network over wifi and when I get out of the error, I can open up HA just fine and view the cameras???



Great blueprint. I am pretty new to notifications but I have found my ipad (IOS) gets notifications immediately. However, my android has some notable delay. I saw on the docs by adding these lines it makes the android notifications far more resonsive.

        ttl: 0
        priority: high

Would you know how to edit the automation to include these lines?



Same problem here. It tried to resolve the external URL (which I have manually set in the app to my LAN IP and Iā€™m connected to the same network) and complained about being unable to connect.


Do you have the Frigate custom component installed? It is a prerequisite.

Yes. It is installed. I played with the base_url and if I enter the http URL, when I click on view clip I can see it in the browser. With the base URL empty, it canā€™t connect to HA and I get a prompt to retry. If i select it, it refreshes and logs into my HA dashboard without playing the clip. Thanks for your hard work building the blueprint!

Iā€™ve troubleshooted a bit further and made a copy of your blueprint but with sticky: True at the notification level. That setting allows me to test the same notification over and over because clicking it or pressing options doesnā€™t dismiss it. Now, with ā€œbase_urlā€ empty, any press to the notification opens the clip inside the app, however 10 seconds into the video (I confirmed it is always 10 seconds) I receive an ā€œUnable to connect to Home Assistantā€ prompt with the options to go to app settings, refresh the external URL or wait. Refreshing reload the whole app and exits out of the video.


This blueprint has completely replaced the stuff I was doing in Node Red but with even more options and configurability. Iā€™m as iOS user and I love getting the quick snapshot to view with the option to see the video clip if I want. The built in timers are great for avoiding duplicate notifications which I was dealing with before. Fantastic work and thanks for sharing hunterjm :slightly_smiling_face:

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How can I change the MQTT topic? Itā€™s not frigate in my case, it is frigate112 (dont ask why) :slight_smile:

nevermind, changed the blueprint, redeployed but still no luckā€¦

After you import the blueprint, it lives under /config/blueprints/automation/hunterjm/frigate_notification.yaml. You can modify the topic after you import it.

Kept troubleshooting. This doesnā€™t seem to be a problem with the blueprint, but with Actionable Notifications on Android. Checking the Companion app logs, the app is instructed to use the External URL (I have it filled out and it is the same as Internal) every 10 seconds the video is playing. I have ā€œfixedā€ it by inputting http://HA_URL:PORT in the base_url section of the Blueprint. Instead of opening through the app, the videos open in the browser. Wife is happy with this, errors every 10s did not get me far in the Wife Approval process.

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Yes, that is also what I experience.

  1. notifications are not sticky
  2. if I add my nabucasa link it is not playing the file but shows unbale to connect to home assitant.
  3. notifications come in very late.

Would be great to have that select able in the blueprint and to be able to select the priority option in the actionable notification.

Any chance you could share what you did with the Telegram notifications please Luca? Iā€™m about to try to get this working myself.

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Hello THland83
Did you resolve the issue with getting 404 errors but your watch working correctly? I have this exact issue and canā€™t work out what Iā€™m doing wrong.
Any help you could give would be appreciated.

Funny you ask, it did start to work (donā€™t remember any specific change I made) but ever since i updated the core, I now get 500 errors while on or off the same updates made outside of the core of home assistant.