Frigate NVR Add On Crashing Supervisor

I have performed a search and haven’t found a thread on-topic.
I am a long time user of the Frigate NVR add on and have used it for quite a few months with no problems.

Recently, however, my Frigate NVR has been crashing the HA supervisor. HA restarts and will quickly end up restarting again. I know it is related to Frigate because when I disable the add on, the behavior goes away (as well as hints in the log files). Nothing changed in my configuration (except for updates to HA and the HA operating system). I run the HA OS in a VM on a TrueNas server.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? And, if so, did it just recently begin?

What are these hints?

Here is the entry:
“2022-08-10 08:36:51.547 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration frigate which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant”

I can also introduce the crashes by starting Frigate. I turned off the start at boot and when Frigate starts, so do the crashes.

That error is not related to the addon, but to the custom component integration.

If an addon is crashing the supervisor, it’ll be in the supervisor logs or the addon logs.

This is about the custom integration and HA says this about every single custom component that is setup, it does not lend to that theory at all.

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Here is what is reported about Frigate in the Supervisor logs - I doubt this is the problem:
22-08-11 21:02:08 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)
22-08-11 21:02:08 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)

The ADDON Log is full of the following:
[2022-08-11 22:55:54] ffmpeg.garage.detect ERROR : [segment @ 0x55d80111ce00] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 214292, current: -318940; changing to 214293. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[2022-08-11 22:55:54] ffmpeg.garage.detect ERROR : [flv @ 0x55d801128b40] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 1:0; previous: 13939, current: -20764; changing to 13939. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[2022-08-11 22:55:54] ffmpeg.garage.detect ERROR : [segment @ 0x55d80111ce00] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 214293, current: -317916; changing to 214294. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.

No sign of supervisor crashing. What exactly are you seeing?

When Frigate is enabled - Home Assistant restarts, crashes, and restarts. Over and over. Disable Frigate, no crashing.

Cameras are working - can even use MotionEye (what I had previously used before Frigate) without problems. Frigate introduces instability.

I thought you said it was crashing the supervisor.

Anyway, your home assistant logs are needed.

OK - I have figured it out.

  1. It was NOT the supervisor.

  2. The frigate.yml configuration was corrupted. I restored a previous frigate.yml file and the crashes have stopped.

What changes did you make on frigate.yaml? I am having same problem as well. Whenever I open frigate or someone passes from the camera the system freeze and I have to pull the plug and make it restart.

no Logs, no yaml no issue.

What was corrupt?

The .yaml file. I copied over an older version of the frigate.yaml file I had saved and the errors (repeated crashes) ended.

Also, I run my HA in a virtual machine on Truenas - so I upped the RAM available to the VM.

However, I attribute the fix to the use of my previous/backup .yaml because that is when the crashes ended.

Hello can you please explain what may have been the difference in your config.yml? Or are you saying all the configs were the same but the file was in fact just corrupted for some odd reason? I am having this issue ever since I got frigate up and running. I am using a coral accelerator connected to a powered usb. The powered usb is then connected to the usb 3.0 on the pi4.

I’m having this issue now. I’ve deleted the yaml and rewrote it from scratch, but this didn’t help. HA restarts a few times a day, unless I disable Frigate. Very annoying!

no Logs, no yaml no issue

Have you found any solution to that ?

Post your logs and yaml.