Frigate proxy add on - nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream ""

I’m getting this error on the frigate proxy addon

[09:41:51] INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream “” in /etc/nginx/includes/upstream.conf:2

I think I know why but I don’t know how to fix it

I have frigate setup on a bare mental PC in docker and accessing

I works fine

I think the problem is
doesn’t work and I’m now stuck - can I add an SSL?

Help appreciated


You’ll want to connect via http not https for the proxy addon.

I completely missed that obvious answer but I was wrong - I now get

[19:32:24] INFO: Starting NGinx…
nginx: [emerg] invalid host in upstream “” in /etc/nginx/includes/upstream.conf:2

I figured it out you DO MUST not put HTTP or HTTPS in front of the address.