Frigate Proxy ingress Dashboard doesnt load

My Frigate proxy panel doesnt work inside home assistant, ingress is loading for a minute and gets 504 error(localy) error 502(clodflared), how can i fix it?

-Home assistant server(proxmox) is cloudflared
-Frigate is installed on my vps oustside home network(tailscaled)
-To connect frigate with my reolink nvr I use tailscale, everything is tailscaled including my homeassistant server and it works well
-I installed frigate proxy, connected it to my homeassistant and i can get blank(without snapshot/video) push notifications(made automation for it)
-Installed frigate hacs integration, but cant connect to it, using tailscale ip adress with:5000

In frigate proxy i can see only:

" [13:36:10] INFO: Starting NGinx…
2022/11/29 13:37:15 [error] 352#352: *1 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client: 172.xx.xx.2, server: ccab4aaf-frigate-proxy, request: “GET // HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “http://xx.xx.xx.2:5000//”, host: “”, referrer: “