I have frigate up and running and everything is working as it should.
It’s currently recording 24 hours a day which is filling my remaining storage very quickly…
Is there a way to configure to record motion only.
I’ve looked through loads of threads and can’t find the answer.
Many thanks. This has worked although it did record motion for everything even though I have (under detect) objects to track as person.
Do I need to put something under (record)to stop this happening.
Its not going to stop that. Motion between the car and the camera will trigger the record. Youll just get a thumbnail in the events tab, but youll get a recording in recording tab. It wiont record constantly,
I think you could eliminate the motion mode and keep the active object mode to accomplish that, but Im not sure…
That’s because you put it under the record section which is for 24/7 recording. If you only want motion recorded for events (when frigate detects an object) then you would set record -> retain -> days to 0 and you would set record -> events -> retain -> default to 10 and record -> events -> retain -> mode to motion
I am following this thread because I am having the same problem understanding how to save only detected AI objects , not simply movement. ( I already have a nvr that record 24/24)
If I understand correctly if I want to record only events ( person cats dogs cars…ecc…) I have to put
enabled: true
days: 0
mode: motion <--- I suppose I don't need this mode because it is referred to record.
default: 3 <--- number of days clips will be saved
mode: active_objects
This config stay on top of the config file or inside of every camera configuration. If I understand correctly camera setting overrides the general setting.
Is it right?
Snapshot and clip are managed in the same way?
That’s correct way to configure it. If you want that for all cameras just do it globally, override at Camera level for cameras you want to be different.
Snapshots work this way already and there’s no clips configuration anymore as that’s what record is for
Apologies if I am misunderstanding the documentation.
Let’s say you have Frigate configured so that your doorbell camera would retain the last 2 days of 24/7 recording.
With the all option all 48 hours of those two days would be kept and viewable.
With the motion option the only parts of those 48 hours would be segments that Frigate detected motion. This is the middle ground option that won’t keep all 48 hours, but will likely keep all segments of interest along with the potential for some extra segments.
With the active_objects option the only segments that would be kept are those where there was a true positive object that was not considered stationary.
I interpreted this as “mode: all” will record 24x7, “mode: motion” will only record if motion is detected.
It will record 24/7 and keep every segment that has any motion detected. Motion can be car lights, leaves blowing, your cameras timestamp (which should be masked out), etc.
So your statement “it seems frigate is still recording 24/7” does not make sense, because that is what you are asking for.
What I meant is that it is recording 24x7 continuous (not just segments), even if there is no motion.
Now that you mentioned that the camera’s timestamp (which should be masked out), that maybe the reason it is recording all the time. I did not think about this one… will have to try it out.