Frigate slow to create image entity

I’m using Frigate to detect people walking up to my door. When it detects a person it stores the image with the entity image.front_yard_person. It also changes the entity binary_sensor.front_yard_person_occupancy to ON. I have an automation that triggers when that binary sensor turns on and the automation adds the image from image.front_yard_person.

But, the image is delayed. It looks like Frigate doesn’t update the image.front_yard_person entity to the new image until after the binary sensor has turned off. Here’s my log of these items.

binary_sensor.front_yard_person_occupancy detected occupancy
5:12:50 PM

Automation triggered
5:12:50 PM

binary_sensor.front_yard_person_occupancy cleared
5:13:12 PM

image.front_yard_person updated
5:13:12 PM

How can I make Frigate update the image.front_yard_person entity when it detects a person?

im having the same issue.