Frigate Stationary detection


I have a camera set up in frigate like so:

        - path: rtsp://..
            - detect
            - rtmp
      width: 1920
      height: 1080
        - person 
        - bicycle
        - car
        - motorcycle
        - cow
        - dog 

When I park my car the car detection will always stay active. Because of the angle and position of the camera detection when it enters a zone will not work for me. I see that the event is in progress, does that mean that the camera is recording even when it is stationary?

Is there any config I can use to stop the event or stop the recording when the car is stationary?

    interval: 0
    threshold: 50

Should this stop the recording?

First off, frigate is designed to track objects as long as they are visible. In Progress means the object is still in view.

You can reference Recording | Frigate for how to have recordings saved only when the object is active.

It would be a bad idea to stop the detection since any motion would just make the object get picked up again for a new event.

These are the default settings which are for stationary objects.

Car is active, has 0 objects and car motion is clear. Camera state is recording and event is in progress. So it seems for me that frigate is still recording even with 0 objects.
The car state does not seem to go clear again. (Same can be said for Person, and other objects that has been detected earlier, but that now are gone)

Which sensor are you looking at? A screenshot would be helpful

Might have been a bug, since the car was stationary when I restarted Frigate. This is how it looks 5 min after car is detected. For me it looks like the camera is recording non-stop after.

Any object detection as soon as frigate starts is ignored until there is motion near it so that makes sense.

Careful, you keep saying “recording” but there is a difference between “recording” and “being tracked”.

Whether or not it is being recorded entirely depends on the mode that I linked above. Meanwhile regardless of the mode, Frigate will continue to track that object and the event will show as In Progress

Doesnt the state “Recording” on the Frontdoor camera indicate that it is recording? Or could this also mean that it is just being tracked?

The last event now on the car ended with a 5min+ long clip, which eventually will eat up my disk space.

      width: 1152
      height: 648
      fps: 5
            car: 100

This will capture max 100 frames after the object is considered stationary?

Yes, it will.

It is still making new events on the car stationary, filling the event log.

It is def working better than motioneye, but seems like I need to turn off car for now.

If there is motion between the camera and the car it will trigger an event. You can add an object mask to the area you are parked in to better stop that.

That’s exactly what I explained, and you need to change your recording mode to adjust this recording behavior. It seems like you’re not reading the docs I’m showing as this is clearly explained.

Yeah this can be done and is what I meant by “disabling stationary tracking”. We don’t really recommend it due to the constant event behavior, but it is an option.

I am only seeing the area I am parked in at the camera, so the example with two zones as shown in the docs does not really work in this case.

I dont see how changing recording mode to active_objects will do the trick, when the car sensor always has one object and active when the car is parked(?)

Because the only recording segments that will be saved will be the ones where the car is active, thus reducing the amount that is recorded.

The entity camera.frontdoor_car is always active when the car is in the view of the camera. Even parked with stationary configuration.

That entity just shows the latest “best” image of a car that was captured. It has nothing to do with whether or not frigate is saving recordings.

How can I see when the camera sees the car as active? Is it car_motion or even in progress, or some other?

From the frigate frontend it will be In Progress.

From the HA side it would be the car motion sensor (which will be renamed to car occupancy sensor).