Fritz!Box voice message sensor

Hello, unfortunately I am searching in vain how to display missed voice messages in HA.

Can you please add a sensor that shows the number of messages from the answering machine.

This is an interesting idea. And is something i miss as well, although we could make an automation for it. using a helper entity that stores the number of callers.

Iā€™d suspect, that this functionality isnā€™t available from AVM side.

The integration into HA uses fritzconnection as underlying python library, and if I have searched correctly, there isnā€™t any mention of voice messages at all.

The people at fritzconnection always try to get all functions into their library, if they are possible and not blocked by AVM. You can assume, if itā€™s not in the library, itā€™s not possible.

And if the library doesnā€™t support it, it will not find its way into HA.

AVM is very strict regarding their software, only good knows why - it doesnā€™t look like a very good piece of software at all. And after years of usage I can safely say, ā€œfastā€ doesnā€™t seem to be in the vocabulary of AVM. Neither with the software development, nor with real speed in connectionsā€¦ :laughing: But itā€™s by far the easiest way to use DSL or cable connections, at least in parts of Europe.

@paddy0174 , thank you for your answer. Iā€™m just wondering because I know it from openHAB, where the number of missed voice messages is standard in the integration.

But everything there is also programmed in Java and I donā€™t know how big the differences between programming languages are in order to be able to say whether it works or not.
I am currently running OH in parallel and had hoped that it could somehow be fully realized in HA.

Can you post a link to the integration (or how this is called in OH) for the FB?

If they can do it, it should be possible here as well. Normally the problem is, that the FB is not giving out the data. But if OH receives that data, it must be anywhere to grabā€¦ :slight_smile:

If you post a link, I can take a look at it, and if feasable I can do a feature request with the underlying library. :smiley:

But just to be clear, as we arenā€™t exact here in this topic: weā€™re talking about voice messages on the built-in answering machine? Or are we talking about missed calls aka the number that called and nobody answered?

Hello, yes exactly, itā€™s about the internal answering machine. Tracking missed calls works great with the Call Monitor integration.
Here is the link to the openHAB Binding:


I did some research, there was a PR that is still active (open) but stalled. Seems nobody had interest in this for the last two years, so it isnā€™t implemented (yet).

Iā€™ll take a closer look in the next days, if I can fork that PR and change it to the guidelines of fritzconnection.

Iā€™ll post an update in this topic here, but it will take some time, Iā€™m sure. If that PR gets accepted, Iā€™ll make another PR to the integration in HA, that should work easily, if the code is available upstream. :slight_smile:

Stay tuned, but donā€™t get your hopes up for a ā€œday after tomorrowā€ solution. Sorry. :slight_smile:

Here is the link to the PR Iā€™m talking about. :slight_smile:

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Well, then Iā€™m not the only one asking :wink:
Many thanks for your commitment and I hope it will be implemented at some point.

Letā€™s add some messages, on that PR.

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