FRITZ!OS version sensor in AVM FRITZ!Box Tools integration

I have a Lovelace card on which I display the uptime, firmware versions and other information of my routers and switches. Recently, there is a sensor to query the uptime of the FRITZ!Box, but I cannot find a way to determine the FRITZ!OS version. However, on the device overview page of the AVM FRITZ!Box Tools integration, the version is displayed so that it can apparently be queried.
I would be very pleased to have a sensor or an attribute with the FRITZ!OS version.

This is what my Lovelace card looks like so far:

nice card, I would like to try to integrate the parameters of the fritzbox in lovelace too.
I tried to take the up and downstream sensors and convert the connection speed into Mbit / s but I donā€™t think I understand exactly how to use them.
could you if possible show me how you configured the sensors to get those results?
Thank you

The routers Iā€™m using are professional ones with SNMP support. Unfortunately FRITZ!Boxes donā€™t support SNMP, so you canā€™t read those values from them the same way I do.

Thanks for the reply.
In fact, I donā€™t know where to retrieve other values, letā€™s say that these would be enough just to get an idea of data traffic.
As you can see from the attached screen what unfortunately I do not understand is how to bring the values in Mbir because in Kbit / s it is really bad.

kBit/s : 1024 = MBit/s
This is the amount of traffic currently passing through the router.

But the ā€œDSL-Synchr.ā€ on my lovelace card are not traffic values, but the synchronisation rate of my DSL router.

Yes I knew the division to obtain (Kbit / s: 1024),
the problem is that surely I am not able to build the sensor to convert Kbit to Mbit.
I tried but it does not give me the result, probably I do not put the correct attributes.

Hi, you could use a template sensor like this:

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.fritz_box_7590_ui_kib_s_received')|float / 1024) | round(1) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "Mbit/s"
      friendly_name: "Download"
      icon_template: mdi:download

Sorry Iā€™m late and thanks for the reply.
As a beginner, I was writing wrong when trying to copy an old sensor.
Thank you

yes if you want I can pass a part of the lovelace card that I adapted for the sensors I needed

Please keep in mind this is a Feature Request thread in the Feature Request section, not a discussion thread.

According to the underlying library (fritzconnection), the version number of FritzOS should already be available. This means, implementing it into the HA-component should be possible.

@breti Hint: You should always vote for your own suggestion. :wink: :smiley:

Thanks, Patrick :slight_smile:

The version is even read by HA because itā€™s shown in the device information box:



Itā€™s just the sensor which is missing.

Itā€™s already done by @chemelli. Just waiting for review and merge :slight_smile:

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Oh, cool :heart_eyes:

binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_update with installed_version attribute is available now :smiley: Thanks a lot!

is there something that i dont understand, if i check for attribute value only the installed version is working fine while the latest version not:
{{ state_attr(ā€˜binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_updateā€™, ā€˜installed_versionā€™ ) }} ā†’ result = 154.07.28

{{ state_attr(ā€˜binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_updateā€™, ā€˜latest_available_versionā€™ ) }} ā†’ result none

What is wrong?

Same here:

installed_version: 154.07.29
'latest_available_version:': ''
friendly_name: FRITZ!Box 7590 Firmware Update
device_class: update

Iā€™m not sure if this is by design or a bug. Perhaps you should file an issue.

Just had a timely update appear on my Fritz!Box, and the sensor is working although the naming looks wrong to me (the inclusion of the ā€œ:ā€ and the single quotes).

Iā€™m currently now seeing this (obviously the English firmware is a little behind the German):

installed_version: 154.07.28
'latest_available_version:': 154.07.29
friendly_name: FRITZ!Box 7590 Firmware Update
device_class: update

And this automation is working for me as a notification:

alias: Fritzbox Update Available
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_update
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_phone
      message: >-
        Fritzbox update from {{
        state_attr('binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_update','installed_version') }} to {{
        state_attr('binary_sensor.fritz_box_7590_firmware_update','latest_available_version:') }} available
mode: single

OK, so 'latest_available_version:'is empty if no new version is available.

There seems to be no open issue for the superfluous colon. Iā€™ll open one.

The superfluous colon has already been fixed: