I’m using HomeAssistant mainly to switch some 433MHz RF switch sockets.
They’re attached to the GPIO of my RasPi.
- platform: rpi_rf
gpio: 27
code_on: 4264273
code_off: 4264276
Today I recognized, that the sockets didn’t react anytime I pressed a switch (they only worked maybe 1 out of 3 times).
At first I thought it was a problem with the antenna, but after measuring the GPIO with my oscilloscope I found out, that there was simply no signal.
So I started commenting out lines in my configuration.yaml to see, which component is the problem.
When I commented out
- platform: fritz
everything was working fine again.
I restarted HomeAssistant (with --open-ui) and saw, that this line appears every 3-5 seconds:
17-04-06 14:47:43 INFO (Thread-9) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.fritz] Scanning
So my final guess is, that the fritz-tracker is blocking the main thread (or the same thread, rpi_rf runs in).
Does anyone now, how to fix this ? (I will try myself, but I’m not too much into python)
Thank you in advance