Fronius integration : how do i split power entitie?

Hey guys,

i just recently got my new solar inverter and am now trying to integrate it into home assistant.
While doing that i am struggeling with the energy dashboad.
According to the dokumentation when using a batterie i should split the Power grid entity into positive on import and negative on export by using templates and helpers…

Since i am fairly new to home assistant i was wondering if someone could point me into the right direction.
The code which should be used is max(states(sensor.solarnet_power_grid) | float, 0) and max(0 - states(sensor.solarnet_power_grid) | float, 0).
Do i build a template sensor in the configuration.yaml?

I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Hi :wave:!
Have a look here Howto: Fronius Integration with battery into Energy Dashboard
and here Configuration.yaml - Home Assistant
and finally here Template - Home Assistant

Thank you! I will look into that!