Fronius power meter (and inverter) - help with configuration

Well this is embarrassing. I have a Fronius inverter, but it seems my meter is Solar Analytics. Back to the drawing board I suppose. Thanks for your fast response.

Is it connected to the Fronius inverter (eg. via the S0 connector)?

Hello together

I have a Fronius Gen24 with a BYD battery in use. Since the new Fronius integration in Home Assistant has been running, I cannot find an entity that shows me the battery charge level in %.

What do I have to do to find this entity?

I am very grateful for any support.

That’s odd, it should be there.
On the devices page Open your Home Assistant instance and show your devices. what entities does your battery device contain?

Hello @farmio,

I appreciate the new user-friendly implementation. However, I’m really missing a way to configure scan_interval, which could be set before in configuration.yaml. The reason is that I’m load balancing using the individual sensors for Current, and one minute interval is too much to do reliable load balancing if the goal is to avoid blowing a fuse. 10 seconds seems more reasonable for these purposes. Aggregate load is available from power flow, but unfortunately aggregate data is not really useful for my purposes.

Is there currently a way to set scan_interval?

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scan_interval is a deprecated concept in HA.
Use system options in the integration menu and deactivate automatic polling. Then set up an automation calling the update_entity service for one entity of each device (power_flow and logger need their own even if they share a device).

I could not find any proper documentation for this, but that is the way HA core devs want it to work.
Don’t ask me why it is not allowed to set this up in the entity options.

That said. I think relying on this setup (HA, Fronius API, a network stack) to avoid burning your house down isn’t the best idea. Maybe reconsider using something solid an electrician would sign off too.


Thanks, found the automation workaround (which indeed it seems to be!). My use case is for controlling an EVSE charger (go-echarger), and only in very rare instances would the main fuse actually be at risk if the setup failed completely. Mostly it’s for limiting peak import hours. But you’re right, I will have to look into additional failsafes, like the charger shutting down if HA is unresponsive.

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Fronius inverters do offer digital IO pins for these kind of things.

Really? Did not know that. Within the inverter, or the smart meter? I’ll have to look into whether it could be compatible with the go-e. Fronius are producing their own EVSE based on the go-e, so it’s certainly not inconceivable.

The Symo inverters have it, I’d be surprised if the Gen24 didn’t. It’s just a pin that can trigger a Relais on different conditions.

I have 3 Device:
and in the devices i have a lot of entities:

I see not "battery charge level in %

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try reloading the integration. There should be a battery device too.
What firmware version does your Gen24 inverter have?

Restarting the integration did nothing

Try updating the firmware. There should be 1.14 out now.
What does curl http://<FRONIUS_IP>/solar_api/v1/GetStorageRealtimeData.cgi?Scope=System yield for your inverter?
How was it configured before (yaml)?

Thank you very much for your support.

I will try to make an update tomorrow. I no longer have the old “yaml”. But I will try to restore a backup tomorrow.

before you do the update, I’d be really interested in the output of former mentioned command :wink: maybe there is some incompatibility that can be fixed

I added my Fronius inverter and smart meter via the fronius intergration. Power from grid and solar production values come through, but I’m not getting any feedin to grid data. The ‘real energy produced’ field is reading zero. Any idea on why the value isn’t correct?

There is definitely power going back to grid.

What value does meter_location have?

Meter_location has a value of ‘1’

Aha! This means “consumption path”.
“grid interconnection point” where you could measure the returned energy would be 0.

With a consumption path meter you’d need to calculate grid return.
Or it is set wrongly, depends on how it’s really installed.