Hi all,
I am in a lucky position to get the following items installed:
- Fronius Symo gen24 12.0 plus SC
- BYD HVS batteries
- Tibber electricity account
What I want to achive, is the following:
- Use solar power primarily
- “over production” should charge the batteries
- when tibber prices are below a certain amount, use regular power from grid and charge batteries with solar power
- when batteries are full, switch back to solar power
- when tiber prices are above a specified amount, use power from batteries
I already found this addon (Batcontrol: Gen24 + Batterie + Tibber = Geld sparen - Fronius - Wechselrichter - Photovoltaikforum) to charge batteries at low tibber prices if solar power is not able to charge them to an extend to use the power when tibber prices are high and solarpower is not yet up to cover the full hous usage (morgings and “prime time” in the evenings.
Does anyone have this kind of setup or ideas on how to get this done? Since i do not have the inverter installed (next week only) i cannot test it, yet. But i wanted to be “prepared” to an extend.
Best regards and thank you in advance for any helpful insights