Frontend copied views with raw yaml. how to?

I have two ESP32 controllers. Entities defined and running. One has relay_1_1, other esp has relay_1_2 etc.
I made new dashboard just to be sure.
One view has relay_1_1 as entities card (and all other sensors from esp1)

Now I want the same view for esp2 so I copy this view section in raw config editor and change the name of the view and relay_1_1 edited to be relay_1_2. the same with all other sensors.

After saving - new view page appears, but instead of relay_1_2 it responds to relay_1_1. and indeed each individual entities card displays relay_1_1 not relay_1_2 as can be seen in raw config editor.
If I then manually change it to relay_1_2 (through UI because yaml seems to be corect) then both views take the change and now both are relay_1_2 :see_no_evil:

So… how do I copy view configuration throughout multiple homeassistant instances or dashbords using yaml?

Home Assistant Core 2022.6.6
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.07.0
Home Assistant OS 8.1

Similar problem was discussed here I think:

The solution is not clear though.

Ok, I managed to solve this by using yaml config:

And most importantly I did not notice that the path should be changed as well:

title: some title
  - theme: Backend-selected
    path: settings #<- this should be unique