Frontend development on windows

Hey guys.

I’m trying to develop the front end of home assistant. Eventually i would like to create and add my own custom cards on a new homeassistant page. I’ve followed every instruction on the documentation:
i have:

  • installed node.js
  • installed yarn (and verified it according to instructions)
  • cloned the latest version of the polymer frontend
  • added the path to the directory to my configuration.yaml file

yaml file has the following line:

development_repo: C:\Users\tschrauwen\Documents\home-assistant-polymer

However when i now run homeassistnat with homeassistant --open-ui i only get an empty screen with the blue bar on top.

my logs:

Have i done everything correctly? Does anyone at least have an idea how i can figure out whats going wrong?

thanks in advance for the help.

Try development_repo: "C:\Users\tschrauwen\Documents\home-assistant-polymer". I assume that there is an error in the log and also in the dev tools of your browser.