Frontend not working properly?

Hi, I’m having some problems with the HA frontend, I installed homeassistant on Raspbian following the official instructions but I’m seeing a lot of 404 errors when I try to open the frontend:

The dashboard kinda works, but the other pages don’t load anything.

I ensured the permissions of /home/homeassistant/.homeasssistant are right. Ideas?

That doesn’t look good. Did you have any errors when installing? Are there any errors in the log (at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/home-assistant.log)?

If there is nothing obvious, I suggest installing again by removing everything under /srv/homeassistant and doing everything from sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant again.

Nothing obvious from the logs… I’m reinstalling as you suggested, I’ll keep you posted, thanks!

Ok reinstalling fixed the problem, thanks!