Hi all,
I’ve built an integration to pull gas (fuel) prices from multiple datasources, with support for a number of worldwide data providers.
Some of these sources are official, however the majority are reverse engineered mobile apps. Currently this integration supports:
- Australia: Fuel Watch, FuelSnoop, PetrolSpy
- Austria: Spritpreisrechner
- Belgium: DirectLease
- Brazil: GasPass (proxied)
- Canada: GasBuddy
- Germany: TankerKoenig
- Netherlands: DirectLease (temporarily disabled on versions above 2025.1.0, do not upgrade above 2025.1.0 if needed)
- UK: Apple Green Stores, Ascona, Asda, BP, Costco, Esso, Jet, Moto, Motor Fuel Group, Rontec, Sainsbury’s, SGN, Shell, Tesco, Karen Retail
- New Zealand: PetrolSpy
- Romania: Peco-Online
- Switzerland: Comparis
- USA: GasBuddy
Your home area is registered automatically during integration setup with a default radius of 5 miles, alongside this, the integration should be able to detect the correct data sources / configuration for your configured areas so no need to configure these manually. The option is still there however if you want to restrict where the integration looks for data.
If you have any more data providers or suggestions for sources, I welcome those requests