Fuel/Gas Prices integration

Currently, it’s hard set in the Fuel Price List template code.
Look for the following and replace the £ with $.

£{{ parts[1] }}

Should be manageable, particularly if you’re restricting the script to 5 results.
Create 5 sensors with the same name with an incrementing number on the end.

sensor.closest_fuel_1, sensor.closest_fuel_2, etc…

Then modify the existing python script to set the required values for each sensor as the script iterates through the results.
You could then replace the current card with something closer to what the actual integration uses.

Then set an automation to trigger the script when your phone gps changes. :wink:

Thanks for the comment. I’ve been trying to figure this out (and YAML in general) for several hours. I am getting an undefined variable “data” in the developer tools template editor. I changed the data variable to data2 to show where it is erroring out. I set the boolean to true for the cheapest gas station option. I also updated the syntax to the new syntax to remove out warnings. Any thoughts on why the data variable isn’t passing through?

It won’t work in the template editor because it requires the action to run which is what defines the data variable.

Most of the options in the config flow won’t apply to these service calls.

That makes sense. I have it running and getting outputs now. I created 5 sensors, each indexing one further into the data output. I have the “car_use_cheapest_station:” set to true. If I show the state of the 5 sensors, they are not sorted by price, i think it is still by distance would be my guess. If I look at the map, I see all 5 gas stations and their prices, so I know I am pulling the correct states and Long/Lat for each. Does this look correct to you in order to get into the sort by price list?

Thank you so much for all of the help. I’ve learned a lot from this and hope to be able to contribute in the future for others on other integrations.

hello again…seeing a similar issue to the one I reported 6 days ago where the integration is reporting the following

thought I’d try removing the ‘directlease’ source just in case that helped as that’s one we looked at before…but that didn’t help so thought I would post here

no updates have been performed since it was last working yesterday

Remove the time pattern trigger as this will create more problems than solve depending on provider. Apart from that though, it looks good to me.

Please log an issue on GitHub with debug logs, I can’t provide much assistance on this screenshot.

This doesn’t look like it has been installed with HACS? You should manually download the zip from the release if you don’t want to use HACS otherwise the version information won’t be populated.

this was installed manually from HACS a while ago and has been working fine since the last change we made (removing Morrisons) but let me see if I can get the version to show up and submit some logs, thanks again

mind sharing your code?

Hi guys. Im super new to this and have exhausted my brain power to keep trying to figure out what i need to do next.
I installed and configured everything and im able to see the name of the gas stations and their postal code in maps. Im not sure where or how to be able to display the prices. I created a new dashboard and tried a previous post that suggest how to do this but i get an error

Custom element doesn’t exist: auto-entities.

type: custom:auto-entities.

Would greatly appreciate any guidance what a my missing or next steps to get this awesome integration working.

Are you sure you have installed auto-entities from HACS?

You will also need Flex Table

I think so. Im able to see the data, as you see here but I dont know how to update things to show me the prices vs the postalcode of the station.

I will readup on flex table. thanks

The price and other details are in the attributes of the entities.
Look at the Fuel Prices integration and you will have entities for each fuel station within your configured area. Select one of these stations/entities an expand attributes.

As for displaying this on a dashboard, you will need something that shows the attributes of an entity.
The code in your previous message will work but you need to install the two HACS addons


Also worth noting that the attributes are different for each data provider. So while the UK is standardised with B5, E7 etc. Other countries are a bit of a mix and show as “gasoline”, “diesel” etc.

I will admit, the integration does require a bit of understanding to really get the most out of it, but I think that’s a side affect of building something ultra generic.

The entity states that are used can be changed in the options flow under the area settings, as you can see, it’s the name by default because there is just too many different fuels.

I did think about standardising the lot, but people in other countries are used to something different to what we see in the UK, at least if the fuel type names are familiar then in theory you can kind of understand what you are looking at in the attributes.

I’ve taken on-board some feedback from here and other places, along with some common questions regarding configuring this integration when thinking about the next release.

  1. A new docs site will be available soon (I’m currently waiting for the DNS validation to complete) which you will be able to access here http://fuelprices.ha.system32.uk/
    As the docs now live within the repository I can add more examples to assist with configuring or for ideas.

  2. I have improved some of the options in the options flow, as I know it was confusing to understand what options were available:
    a) The sensor state option will now display available fuel types based on existing areas configured and available entities. This can still be overridden if required
    b) The cheapest fuel station config has also been updated with similar logic

  3. Both the config and options flow have been updated so that the country code is included in the data source name. Future release might filter.

  4. In next month’s release I will try and add support for dynamic “areas” based on a device tracker entity rather than static lat/long positions. Initially this will just create one sensor with all of the nearest fuel stations as attributes, perhaps this can be extended in the future.