Fujitsu AC (heat pump) integration via ESPHome [ESP32]

I’m having issues sourcing the mcp2025-330. I can get a mcp2021-330. Did you make any changes to the schematic to use the 2021 variety?

I also need to use MCP2021 instead due to availability, it would be great if @fpitre75 , @Aquilla , would confirm this from my looking at the datasheet:

Basically compared to the MCP2025, the 2021 has no reset pin but it has a fault pin and the other pins are on different positions.

MCP2021 changes to use it instead of 2025

MCP2021 RXD(pin1) → ESP32 Serial2 RX (GPIO16)

MCP2021 CS/LWAKE(pin2) → 10uF cap on the VREG rail + , other side of cap to gnd

MCP2021 VREG(pin3) → 10uF cap +, other side of cap to gnd

MCP2021 TXD (pin4) → ESP32 Serial2 TX (GPIO17)

MCP2021 VSS(pin5) → ESP32 GND (GND of AC controller, MCP2025 and ESP32)

MCP2021 LBUS(pin6) → Remote controller white wire, LIN bus

MCP2021 VBB(pin7) → 12V power from remote control wiring (this 12V also powers a 5V buck converter for the ESP 5V input)

MCP2021 FAULT(pin8) → 10k pullup to Vreg

Any corrections welcome :slight_smile:

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Sorry for the lack of knowledge, but I can’t load the github program on my esp32, could you tell me the steps to follow to load it with web esphome, I’m a newbie, thank you.

I have bought all the components to assemble this, but I have just discovered my AC doesn’t have the communication module fitted. Currently using the Wifi modules but finding them very poor hence wanting to use this solution.

I apparently need the UTY-TWBXF2 module but struggling to find one, and the only one I have found seems very expensive.

Is there a way to use the pins off the wifi module for control instead?

Answering this in case it helps others - I built the circuit as described in my post with MCP2021-330 and it works fine. Tagging @fpitre75 and @Aquilla

Does anybody been able to decode the frames from EZ-0001HS EFR control unit? It is using an old version of the protocol

I feel like I’m sooooo close having this working… to date I have:

Successfully compiled and uploaded the firmware to my ESP32.
Verfified I can access the web portal and then connected to my Fujitsu.
I’ve have the LIN (2021-330) and have wired everything on a breadboard. I am running the ESP32 at 5V - could this cause an issue?

I’ve got Esphome working on my LAN and an entity card in Home Assistant.

My issue is even though I can access the entity card and the ESPHome web portal it doesn’t appear to be communicating with the Fujitsu Wall Remote. I have tried switching the DIP switches as mentioned earlier in this thread but no change.

I’m not sure on how to debug this further but if anyone can offer any advice I’ll gladly take it. In the meantime I’m going to rewire the breadboard in case there is a loose connection.

UPDATED: SOLVED I ran a continuity test across all the circuits and found a dry solder joint on one of the pins on the MCP2021 (it wasn’t going to GND). Did that and it’s now working!

A couple of things to remember for anyone reading through this thread.

  1. I had to edit the FujitsuClimate.cpp file to stop the boot loop. I changed the xTaskCreatePinnedToCore line as mentioned earlier in this thread to the below:

xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(serialTask, "FujiTask", 10000, (void *)this, 1, &(this->taskHandle), 1);

  1. Check, double and triple Check all the connections. Using a continuity tester is a must.

  2. Instead of having some ugly cabling at the wall remote I connected my ESP32 to the indoor unit in the ceiling space. If you remove the small access panel you can screw your 12V, Signal and GND cables directly to the terminals for a nice clean install.

I’ve since disconnected and resoldered all the components and the behaviour has changed.

Now when I power on the AC the wall controller says “Please Wait” and then after a minute or so returns an error “Remote Controller Code: Er 12.1”.

I’m reasonably certain I’ve got the right wiring but don’t know how to isolate this error.

Hi there, has anyone implemented zone control and willing to share their code? I started to look into the debug output to identify zone control bytes, but haven’t been able to continue yet. Single and group zone control · Issue #14 · unreality/FujiHeatPump · GitHub

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I have spent some time recently decoding this protocol from scratch and have identified some mistakes and additional fields.

Can you load my serial to TZSP component for ESPHome (may require esp32) and capture its data with Wireshark?

You’ll want my Wireshark dissector plugin if the zone control remote actually uses the same protocol. It is a Lua file you place in Wireshark’s plugin directory.

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I have implemented with the Fuj controller UTY-RVNYN. Besides reversing the Tx & Rx on the first go the whole project just worked ! that never happens!

Passed the Wife test with flying colors and family love it!



Has anyone got any experience connecting one of these newer Fujitsu units to HA? They seem to use a USB port for communication with the proprietary wifi adapter that futjitsu sells.

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So I got it working with MCP2021-330. Custom 3d printed case

wow @justin.kurban that looks really great and really small compared to some of the other examples above, any chance you could put the whole BOM and cost down as well as how you hooked everything up. Looks like really good work!!!

Bonjour à tous,
je cherche à développer la gestion de ma clim fujitsu, la même que @miriumar, mais en Micopython.
Est ce que quelqu’un a déjà réfléchi à ce sujet ?


Thank you for the amazing work. I have a question about the ATOM Lite ESP32 IoT Development Kit. Can this product be purchased and used directly or do I have to buy the components and solder them?

It is not clear to me as in some posts it seems that people download the zip file, I understand that to make them themselves, but buying it at the URL you provide, I understand that it comes all assembled right? Does it also come with the Buck Converter included?

From what you say, the ATOM S3 Lite has not been tested for this project so I understand that it would be safer to buy the ATOM Lite, right?

Hi @Angrado25, the complete system is divided into two parts, the Atom S3 Lite that you can buy already assembled from the links I have attached and the interface board that I have designed that needs to be assembled.
Specifically, the interface board consists of electronic components and PCB, the components will need to be purchased and soldered onto the PCB that you will need to have manufactured by services such as JLCPCB.

Here you can purchase the Atom S3

Here you can read more information for connections and to purchase components and download the files you will need to commission the PCB production

Hello @kaaspad ,
thanks for waiting, I just updated my Github repo by adding in the .zip files what you asked for.
About using Home Assistant instead of Homespan, yes I have thought about it but I leave the programming to someone more knowledgeable than me.
The project I was inspired by and tried to improve was based on Homespan, however, that does not mean that the hardware cannot be used for Home Assistant!

Happy new year to all!


just a standard 10K resistor from Jaycar and a 10uF cap from there as well

step down convertor

Case f3d files to 3d print are GitHub - Aquillacomputingsystem/esphome-fujitsu

wiring is diagram is also in there.

Just want to thank @rabbit-aaron for the project. I have forked the repo so i can add my own files in there incase i need to re-create. Cheers all for the help

I stuffed my HA config and have to start from scratch. Has anyone reflashed the esp32 whilst connected to the Fujitsu unit via USB?